[QUOTE="gdorf101"]Easily impressed because when comparing two things I can see a difference..? Nice, attack me instead of the argument. Very mature. TP wasn't the most epic game in the world, and did not have the best storyline ever, but COMPARED to OoT, it was MUCH greater in those elements. I'm not just talking about the kids. The kids were only in the game for the first third or so of the game, if even that. I'm surprised you can say I'm easily impressed, when you're the one trying to defend WW over TP, which is well, even less than OoT in every element except for gameplay...
I expected you not to take that as an insult (as I tried to 'counterweight' my comment by saying you'll enjoy more things than me), but since you want to argue...
I rather have "no story" like OoT (a game that is nowhere supposed to feature a story, yet have enough of it to balance the overall achievement) than a weak story like in TP. I don't know what went through the staff mind when they came up with that, it's like they want to be taken seriously and deliver something memorable, but the characters are bland and the plot has no direction whatsoever. As far as storytelling in gaming goes, one has to have played very few games to accept what TP proposed as a "story".
I don't know why bring Wind Waker here, specially if you don't bring something better than "it's even less than OoT".
I fail to see how saying that "I'll enjoy more things than you," in the context of me "being easily impressed" and "impressed" with something that you clearly find unimpressive nonetheless, can be construed as not an insult.. It's basically declaring my naiivety, as if I were an uncultured child that doesn't know what truly constitutes as good and is, well, "easily impressed." If, as you say, it was not meant as such, then I apologize for taking it as such. You may want to be more careful with your words though.. in another post on this forum you mention that people misread your posts of "flaws" as "TP a bad game".. but then continue to say how TP is entirely "bland," and comparison of other Zelda games as such is an atrocity?
And again, to say that somebody has to have played very little games to take what TP proposed as a "story"? How is that not an insult? Stories are one of the greatest things about video games. You might as well just play tetris or brain age if you don't think so (good games, but nowhere near the levels of FF, etc). TP was no weaker than any of the other Zelda games, and I feel like it was even stronger than most of them. If you ask me, that's a step forward in the right direction. If you really would rather have no story, then that's fine for you, but for me, I like to have my brain tickled and teased, with dimensions of humanity and literature, rather than just puzzles and problem solving. I don't feel like TP's story was anything special, but the way they told it was certainly well done.
As for WW, I brought that up because the thread was about comparing WW to TP and how WW was superior (A conjecture I disagree with). And when you come into the thread bashing TP, it's very natural to assume you are taking the position of the original thread maker. To be honest, I have no idea what you are saying in your last sentence, hahahah. I can take a guess, in that you're saying my argument is weak, and I shouldn't have brought up WW at all if all I am saying is that it is less than OoT in every dimension of gaming except for gameplay? You even said yourself that OoT had a "no story." So how is that argument weak? If WW has a weaker story than OoT, worse storytelling, more cliche's and more shallow characters than even OoT, then WW has to be pretty bad in those areas. I don't even know why I'm arguing this with you, since you basically argued against yourself! Saying OoT has no story, and then saying that TP had a story, but you rather it not have had one? I'm just gonna stop responding to these, since your arguments are made without any evidence presented and with nothing but hate behind them. You seem like you'd just hate any game you play, and love to hate them.
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