In overwatch you get a drop every time you levelup and you get 3 a week from arcade. However, they constantly and intentionally add junk items into the loot table to that you have low chance to unlock skins. This is especially the case with holiday events.
@bongaconga: sjws ruined it all and they don't even play games. The ones that do suck at them. I don't get how a strong, good looking, female protagonist is degrading to women, but what do I know I'm a machine.
@Mogan: Not necessarily what I meant. In the old days you would unlock skins and pieces of armor by playing as that character a certain amount of times or in Halo 3 you would need to unlock certain achievements.
In the case of modern RPGs they've rigged progression to be so slow so that you're pressured to either buy xp boosts to speed up progress or buy a max level character boost (WoW, DCUO, ect.) in order to reduce the grind. Granted some games you have to have a max level character first to but one.
(FFXIV is a good MMO and is pretty fun so it doesn't count)
Long gone are the days where you would unlock stuff by playing the game or reaching certain milestones or achievements with characters. Gone are the days when you could play a game without having to grind your entire life away. Forgotten are the times when you could put in cheat codes to unlock everything and have fun with your friends.
@risingdawn: You do know lying is the same as trolling and is a bannable offense, yes?
WinGPD runs DarkSouls at 30fps because it's locked at that rate and it's a terrible port. When the remaster comes out for PC it will run better than the terrible port. It runs Dark Souls 2 better than it runs 1 because again it was a terrible port. It can also run 3.
@doctor_mg: you also had no idea it costs the same price as a switch (or less) and does much more. It also can immitate other consoles (I can not say how because it's a bannable word).
I'm confused by the publishers and the people that defend this tactic. Making excuses that the price of developing games has somehow risen to astronomical values and they have to compensatre by reducing the content, quality, and adding microtransactions.
Yet if you look at The Witcher 3, a single-player game developed by a smaller independent studio that has better graphics, gameplay, story, more content, ECT. and yet it only cost 60 and had expansions that were large and worth the price.
There is no way you can justify this crap. Not to mention games are actually much cheaper and easier to make than ever before. Long ago developers had to build their own engine from scratch for every game they made. Now there's lots of great choices that developers can use to speed up the process and make every game AAA quality.
Genji_Shimada's comments