18. Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (360)
17. Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)
16. Mass Effect (360)
15. Crackdown (360)
14. Saints Row (360)
13. Rainbow Six Vegas (360)
12. The Orange Box (360)
11. Assassin's Creed (360, PS3)
10. Halo 3 (360)
9. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (Wii)
8. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3)
7. Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3)
6. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360, PS3)
5. BioShock (360)
4. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
3. Call of Duty 4 (360, PS3)
2. Gears of War (360)
1. Grand Theft Auto IV (360)
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