I had alot of fun trying to fill the challanges in COD4!!!!
With trophies,, if they give you challanges to complete in order to get them. I feel it is great when a game starts to get boring.
If you get a specific trophy for completing a hard challenge, points may transfer over into PSN dollars for purchases.
I think everyone would try and fill all challanges if there was some compensation and an option to buy things on the psn.
For example if you got the skill then you derserve a free add on, map pack what ever.
Im sure everyone will love this,,,,I try and get all my friends to purchase PS3 games over the 360 and they always go with the 360 because of the online and achievements...... When I finish my game it over, when they finish it, they are fun cahllanged that make the game last longer.
trust me,, people who are against it either think it is soley for bragging rights which it is far from or bash it because they dont have it.
When it comes out im sure 90% of the video game community will enjoy it
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