gewbjewb's forum posts
At first I thought surely they must all just be trolls, but the quantity of them among nerd circles is astounding?
How can so many people hate such a good movie?
And this worst is this guy:
I completely agree with that review/rant, I must give the guy kudos for saying what needed to be said, most notably, "I'm not going to be like every other critic and say something is good just because it doesn't suck." Trek was never cool and that's the way I liked it. I don't need a half-baked story, a ton of special effects, pointless action scenes, a stereotypical badass that's acted in a way that's making James Dean roll over in his grave, a bunch of sex scenes, and a 90210-esque cast to enjoy Trek. in fact, I watch Trek for exactly the OPPOSITE reasons. Trek used to be damn good sci-fi with some damn good writing, now it's just more sexy, flashy action that appeals to the masses and I will hate JJ Abrams forever for it.
What are you talking about? Isn't Star Trek an old ass show? What makes you think the standards back then would apply to now? Why should they keep with the same style if it is considered a joke now?
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