Halo 3 - Nice graphics upgrade same gameplay from beta that I played a month ago. Nothing new singleplayer mode is half decent nothing that will blow my head away. Expect some fun filled weekends and late nights with this game but not the same leve of craziness and appeal it once had.
Assasin's Creed - Looks ok for Prince of Persia clone plus GTA sanbox gameplay. Sword fighting pretty much canned animations but nicely put by Ms Raymond even sh*tty stuff sounds much more interesting coming from her mouth. Maybe it's the sex appeal of a semi attractive female developer talking smack. Makes a huge difference in a world dominated by geeks and nerds to see a girl stand her ground and hype stuff to a whole new degree. On side note someone needs to replace Peter Moore or Jack Tretton with Jade and you will be shocked by the amount of hype she can generate at E3 presentation next year. If I am going to be bored to death by someone throwing all sorts of mumbo jumbo sales numbers on a slide show then the least you can do is throw some eye candy while I die in my seat from boredom.
Killzone 2 - Good graphics, decent particle effects nothing that makes your head spin like they hyped it to be. Not as good as the trailer though but still impressive but 2 minutes of gameplay will not make me jump out and buy this stuff. I will wait for a better build to surface before I even think about this game again.
Crysis - Wow this stuff is the real deal and the graphics are amazing top-notch. Everything so realistic and detailed that could spend hours just exploring the island to see how everything looks in different light and angles. Too bad I don't have $2000 left in the bank to upgrade my PC so I'll take a raincheck for atleast 2 more years until I can afford a graphics card that can handle this stuff. I just recently upgraded my PC to fully optmize Half Life 2 and Doom 3 so I ain't building another one any time soon.
GTA IV - Liberty City with upgraded graphics. Nillo looks like crap compared to other guys from next gen games. Sorry Rage engine isn't all that great. Also where is the next step in gameplay ie GTA ONLINE? I don't want another larger map with more things crammed into tight space to make it look like so much is going on in the city. Until I see online component this another graphics upgrade only type game same as Halo 3. Nothing much different from the half dozen GTA games released on PS2.
Uncharted: Drake's Foture - Good idea bringing back adventure genre but gun fight and shooting never really works well in 3rd person view. Enviroments are very good and so much stuff on the screen in crisp clean look not as good as Crysis but still impressive especially from someone like Naughty Dog known for making cartoonish characters. Still good enough for me to play a few times.
Heavenly Sword - Nice God of War clone with good graphics and very nice combat system. However I smell over hyping by devs when they said later levels in the game has 1000 NPCs with indivudual AI on screen. That just killed any vibe this game had going with me. No way in hell they get that many guys on screen with AI to fight. Yes I could get a million DRONES and kill them in huge blood bath but no way have that many intelligent enemies on screen not until maybe PS4 or even 5.
MGS4 - Wow more CGI trailers from the same stuff Hideo showed us last year. It took them ONE FULL year to make another trailer? By this rate there is no way this game will launch in early 2008.
Honorble mentions: BioShock (decent concept), Mass Effect (Space RPG wow like no one ever thought of that before?)
Games I was allready going to buy before E3 2007: Unreal 3 (PC) HL Orange Box (PC) COD4 (PC).
Conclusion: E3 was stale and nothing exciting like what it used to be I still remember when Mario 64 or MGS2 was shown and how I got excited for those games. The shock and awe factor is no longer in this thing because devs are too sissy to show full ingame stuff to a wide audience. All you see is short controlled demos and then the excuse list from developers like they had no time or the game is unfinished or its pre-pre-alpha-pre-beta-pre-delta WTF does that crap mean anyways?
I am going to put the 360 and PS3 in storage for summer cause they gonna collect dust anyways. In the mean time I'm going to go back my old school stuff and first love Counterstrike which somehow manages to still retain my attention longer than any of these glossy dressed up games they call next gen.
Im out peace!!!
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