yes u can hunt for a psp 1000 screens on e-bay ect
gho5ty's forum posts
sony is lame on helping people they might give sum bs like its your problem. The best bet is too go back too where u sold it and see if they have info on the person and try to contact them about refunding your money back and maybe takeing you info off it.If you decide to trade in your Go make sure your credit/debit card information is off of there. I am letting you know this because i formatted my HDD on it but my card information was still on there and just today i had unconfirmed purchases being made on the playstation network with my card. This is serious, and i am going to contact Sony, so everyone just so you know, delete your card informaiton as well becasue formating your HDD wont do it.
Items from the missions, money and drugs
my name is kaz050.
and if you all are asking wtf am im going on about, yes gta put in a trading system kinda nice.
infrastructure only used for stat tracking & trading online
ac.hoc is for multiplayer
i can SAY WOW because sum of you are bashing the GTACTW only true and i mean TRUE fans would know GTA from the PSX days, and not jumping on the game from ps2 days.Anyway its GTA its better then nothing and i still give it a 10
sony has ben slow with almost all of the psp in term of games. they care more about the money then people,back when games where slow comeing out they should of had ps1 games on the psn.Now with the up comeing psp-go new games and now sony tells the devs to make apps for it
LCS is based on mafia, and VCS is more about drugs and what not i like them both they are fun for spear time
yes its true they are telling devs too make them for under 5$ on psp go.
I'm actually not looking for a sports game right now because I have so many. What about Killzone? I hear that's a great game. Is the online still popular? Or any other shooter type game.
For shooters, the more popular the title the worse the hacking and cheating. I have no healthy recommendations for any of those though "resistance" gets a lot of support around here... but depend on that game being hacked. I like the online for "Medal of Honor: Heroes I" because not only is the net play fun (if hacked), but there are 'bot matches on the first game which simulate the online fairly accurately, without the invicibility codes and machine gun bazookas plaguing your game.
[/QUOTEgee Resistance is hacked nothing new. and there is no game that has online not hacked. socom 1 is meh not too meny but people do play it now as for socom FTB2 seeing as they put the new 1.60 patch too ban hackers the hackers took that and made it in too a code so now they can ban legit players and calling the 1-800 number is a joke but you still can find sum legit rooms
its not hard and its really not stupid if you need help there is gamefaqs, u need someone to show you how too do things there is a thing called youtube.
there is no autolock on and no leveling just skill and know how too wach the monsters moves and knowing when too hit.the game puts you in a wold too see if you can fend for your self but if you cant and dont like it please dont hate on it and go back too the over rated FF:CC
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