I was 12 when this came out. The year before I discovered online gaming after buying Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2 in a bargain bin in Staples. I played both games on MSN Gaming Zone...
When the Jedi Outcast trailer was released, I was obsessed and counting down the days. My older sister saw my excitement, and preordered both the game AND strategy guide for me at EBGames. On the day of release, my friends came over, but I just wanted them to leave so I could play multiplayer in peace.
damn this got me really nostalgic lol...
I have no plans to buy the Switch, but man this is an awesome news. Hope they bring Rogue Leader, Rogue Squadron and maybe Jedi Power Battles too. JPB was the stuff.
@jyml8582: bro Im turning 29 later this year :D Not 30 yet. But I remember playing this online via MSN Gaming Zone... ahh the memories. I was turning 12 when this was released. I still remember the day like it was yesterday.
Lucasarts was on a roll back then. The following year they released Star Wars Galaxies too, and 13 year old me was going bonkers over it.
@supertoast: Lol buddy I dont have a solution. Its not my job. I just wish they didnt use time travel to move the plot forward.
10 years, 22 movies in. The characters are finally faced with a real problem. Then suddenly, oh! we can time travel! lets undo everything.
It makes everything inconsequential. Usually when you have stories with characters you want to make them relatable. You do that by humanizing them. give them problems and mistakes to deal with, and make them deal with those problems like people would. If you add time travel as a remedy, then there is no character development at all. The next time they make mistakes, just time travel! No consequences.
Time travel now is a plot device in thr MCU. In the future movies when the world is at stake, why not just time travel? Itll fix everything. Also it seems like there are little to no consequence to time travel at all. And honestly we can all argue about the hypotheticals of time travel, based on physcis, and based on the rules set by MCU. But in the end, time travel creates more problem for storytelling in general in my opinion. Ruins characters and story in general. Its hard to do time travel right.
And I know youre asking me how I would have done it. But like I said, its not my job. But why should I have a solution to a criticism? Everyone criticizes things all the time without being able to provide one. Its our right to anyway. People criticize athletes all the time when some cant even play the sport they watch.
@gameroutlawzz: well... I mean as someone who used to play fighting games competitively, the multiplayer is what fighting games are about... at least for us. It's the competitive aspect of it. Finding the right character to main, then understanding the strategies against other characters. I mean the last fighting game I played competitively was MK9, and I initially played as Reptile, then switched to Noob for a while, only to strictly use Stryker. I had Injustices 1 and 2 as well, but went straight to the multiplayer, and disregarded the single player. I think these games just holds more value to a particular group of audiences.
@lithus: what events is it altering?? the game isnt even out yet and we dont know how much involvement women will have in the final product. maybe only available to choose in singleplayer, and or in certain multiplayer maps with proper historical context.
calm your titties down buddy. people are too paranoid over a damn game. i understand if its milking money with DLCs. but people are shitting in their diapers over a trailer! LOL cry me a river!! hahahahahahahha
edit: and people are probably gonna google for details that refute women fighting in ww2 just to prove a point. doesnt matter. im not upset over it. neither do i care for it. its just a trailer. honestly i was more surorised with the prosthetic arm than the woman. but im not crying over it.
@spartanro: star wars doesnt have a female problem. it has script and characterization problems. i bet you with the right script, people wouldnt complain as much. instead of looking for "sjw" ideas, maybe focus on the real problems with the movie.
and yes BF5 is not historically accurate because of the prosthetic hand. neither was weapons of WW2, the battlefield 1942 expansion back in 2002.
people just looking for shit to complain about. bunch of drama queens. the game isnt even out yet lol. but if you dont like it so far, just dont pre order it lol. play other games. plenty of them.
seriously what a bunch of "snowflakes" complaining about nothing worth complaining about lol. why you mad boy? dont give them your money if you don't like it lol.... it's not like your money is taken away from you smh.
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