@Phazevariance: eh... Loki has been in the MCU for 10 years... and Thanos has been built up since 2012 (or earlier).... Killmonger is just a one-off but damn his execution was very well done. Though I don't agree with his ideas, I actually sympathized with him, a villain. Which is pretty rare in comic book movies these days...
But thats just me... the movie's not for everyone. My friend saw it as another generic comic book movie, just as with most Marvel and DC movies -- but I saw something else.
@supamastergamer: agreed. I think its the best film and most mature one that Marvel has pushed out. Also Killmonger is their best villain yet. It's not everyone's cup of tea though unfortunately... but it is what it is lol... meh
I was seriously looking forward to it. Surprisingly, I actually really enjoyed and loved BvS.
I thought JL would follow the same tone and narrative -- but it felt like mindless entertainment. Nothing could save it, not even the deleted scenes. There was no emotional depth, and some of the jokes were out of place, and at the wrong place and the wrong time.
It's unfortunate that it's performing below expectations, but it deserves to do bad. It was a terrible movie. Superman's resurrection was also underwhelming -- I didn't care. Steppenwolff was a joke too.
And as a fan of DCEU, it's really baffling how they went from MoS, BvS, WW, then to the travesty that is Justice League....
@spectrexr1: yeah he's the weakest because the movie is grounded in reality. Baleman is more fragile physically, emotionally, and with his golden rule because as much as he tries to be a symbol of both fear and hope, he's only human. That's what makes it great.
I know it's not the comic book Batman fans want, but that's the point.
Batfleck on the other hand, is just straight pure badass. But there is barely any dimension to this character. Then again, he doesn't have a trilogy or a stand alone yet, so maybe it's not fair to compare him to Baleman.
back to 2003 again. ahh i still remember it like it was yesterday. i remember buying the game on a Saturday, during break from Saturday school. It was at gamestop at Steinway in Queens. I brought back to school and my friends were curious what game it was. Then I remember beating the single player campaign on Wednesday afternoon after school, the day before thanksgiving break. then spent the entire thanksgiving just playing the hell out of the multiplayer. and I love the m1 garand sound in the end of the trailer. It strongly reminds me of the 1st CoD. It was the only WW2 CoD i played.
@reavern: can't stress enough how you can get these ops without paying for them. just need to play more and obtain enough points. i got all the ops that way without paying. sure it takes longer but it's still attainable.
pretty funny how shes doing tomb raider, and her boyfriend (michael fassbender) is in Assassin's creed. maybe he encouraged her to do tomb raider haha. she's a good actress, so i'm looking forward to this.
giantqtipz's comments