giantraddish's forum posts
with the 180 drivers you cant use multicore
Sweet info, that's probably it. I bet I had < 180 drivers to start with, upgrade caused the problem and I didn't downgrade far enough.
Forgive a long winded one, but curious if anyone has any ideas.
1. Been playing Left 4 Dead for a couple weeks, runs fast smooth, no crashes.
2. Last night installed GTA4 and the new Nvidia beta drivers that are supposed to make it run better.
3. This morning go to play Left 4 Dead get the occasional game stalling/stuttering/sound looping and eventually crash.
4. First thought goes to GTA4 malware (SecuROM, GFWLive, Rockstar Social) so I uninstall all the GTA4 bits including the cleaning SecuROM out of Application Data and Registy. L4D still broken.
5. Second thought goes to Video driver. Back out video driver to 180.48 (including Driver Cleaner Pro wipe of "bad" drivers). L4D still broken.
6. Find the "mat_queue_mode 0" command, that fixes L4D problem.
Question: Any theories why L4D started croaking on me? Think GTA4 install had anything to do with it or just coincidence?
I have a Sound Blaster X-Fi plugged into my speakers using the single Digital IO jack. When I first boot Windows there is no sound. Turning off and back on the Digital IO setting gets the sound working again. This is a long time known issue. Not my actual question.
I had a script you drop in your Startup folder that did the reset on the Digital IO for you. Just had to re-install my comp and lost the script. Does anyone have a link to that script?
How 'bout Ebay? Risk or Risk
Is the AI good on that one? I bought the new flash version and the AI is a disaster, you've got to be really unlucky to lose.
Spore release date is 9/7/2008. I can't remember a video game (or a movie, or music, or a book for that matter) having a release date on a Sunday. Also, Gamespot already has a review posted and usually they don't post reviews until at least the release date.
Has anyone heard an explantion for that release date? Is it Wil Wright's birthday? Is the game out there already? Does anyone (non reviewers) have it yet?
In fairness, if Molyneux would shut his mouth and stop claiming to be the second coming of Christ on a video card you'd have to give his games credit for being fun and introducing creative game mechanics. However when he claims he's re-inventing video games in ways never before seen, it's only fair to hold him to that standard. And he consistently fails.
There's been a rash of essays and convention addresses whose theme is "stop taking development direction from hardcore gamers, what they want isn't fun for everyone else". I tend to agree with this, but I'd add a related rule: Stop taking development direction from Peter Molyneux, what he wants is neither as revolutionary nor fun as he thinks it is.
Couple reasons this video means very little.
1. This is a comparison of integrated video solutions. No serious gamer is going to use this. If your a gamer you want a separate video card. Not the better of the two terrible solutions.
2. The AMD solution is the just released one. It's being compared to an old Intel solution. Wait until Intel releases their next generation and they will be able to show superior benchmarks. Neither would be meaningful because they are apples to oranges.
3. This video is AMD demo-ing their own equipment, not a third party benchmark. Any chance they picked the games they do best with? Any chance they tweak and optimize their hardware to get the results they want while running the Intel hardware out of the box?
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