I am looking at upgrading my hard drive on my 60GB PS3 and was wondering if I get a 7200rpm drive instead of a 5400rpm drive will the PS3 noticeably heat up more or will it be about the same? Also what have you guys found to be the best and most reliable hard drive replacement?
30 seconds into the demo I knew this game was a rental at best. Not even 30 seconds. It just has that cheap feel to it, like turok. The character physics are so bland sound design completely crap. Had a feeling months ago the game was all hype too.
exactly that is what I thought when I first tried the demo even though I hoped that it was just the demo because this game really had a lot of potential.
graphics were ok but all the cars handled the same and it made the racing feel repetative. The controls on the car were also very squirrly. The cars never felt like you were in complete control of them unlike GT5 where everything feels spot on. Maybe its just because I like a racing simulator over an arcade racer.
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