[QUOTE="ginraisama"][QUOTE="RazMaTaz-1"][QUOTE="seannn199"][QUOTE="RazMaTaz-1"] [QUOTE="seannn199"]lol about the contradiction issues
it list quite abit there
ugh, Reported! How a appreciation thread has gone to this is beyond me.
What the hell? did you bother to read any of the other post in this thread? Were maybe everyone else was making fun of each other (muslims?) . I simply posted a link because someone else couldnt copy and paste. Just prooving a point. not to mention I told people what was in the link. if you didint want to know the "contradicitons" then dont click the link. there was nothnig offensive in my postProving a point for what? that Islam is supposidly full of contradictions? Let me tell you something, stop gathering info from sites no one has even heard of and making it sound like they are true, because you got no hard evidence to back it up. I could simply find a link how Atheists are a bunch of idiots and how their minds think, doesnt mean its true does it? NO. I have read this thread, and its beyond pathetic. It started of with people being happy that people appreciate the letter and there aint no problems with the two sides, then someone starts talking about religion, then it leads to this. Whats worse, over a bloody video game. Seriously, OVER A FREAKING GAME?
can you see the contradiction of what you're saying?? you say we're getting worked up over a 'freaking game', but on the other hand why should any game company remove something from a 'freaking game' just because some people don't like.
the problem is that we keep giving in to these 'i'm offended' claims over and over and over and freaking over again till the point everyone's tired of it.
and it seems the offended are always the same bunch of people.
i don't care about any religion... they should be private... the way anyone wants to worship whatever they want it's their business... i hate it that we constantly need to change our ways to give previleges to these religions. in this and so many other cases islam.
just thought i'd rant a bit on how sick i am of religions interfeering on my life and now in my gaming also...
everyone... just keep your imaginary friends out of real life, WE DON'T CARE FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE!!!
(signed: bunch of rational people)
Big difference between what i am saying and what half the people here are saying. A thread was created for simple appreciation for what Sony did, and we got idiots like you giving hateful comments and turning this thread into a religious debate. All i have said that people going as far as insults and calling Islam a contradictory religion over a game being delayed for a few weeks just to rectify something that is disliked. Its simple, leave religion out of games, and no one will have problems. People only put religious context into games because they cant be original or they want a spark to fire up. If you atheists dont care what religious people believe, then why should we care what atheists believe. I dont know why you getting bent out of shape for, clearly you cant seem to have a rational convo or even make a rational post, hence, contradicting your "signed :bunch of rational people" idea. Religion is here to stay, deal with it and get a real life!
you seem to suffer from the same problem lots of religious suffer... you tend to take an insult to religion as an insult to yourself as a person.
when i look at you i don't see your religion, i couldn't care less what you believe in private. but that doesn't imply i can't criticize those beliefs. if i say i like MGS4 and some person says the game is the worse game ever should i take offense for it?
"If you atheists dont care what religious people believe, then why should we care what atheists believe"
this just shows how ignorant you are of what being atheist means. atheist is a name to define a person who just doesn't believe in ANY religion or ANY kind of supreme being. there's no common belief that binds atheists together and that's why you don't have anny atheist lobby even though there are more atheists than minorities in all the countries of the western world, including the US, the most religious country of the west.
please do take religion out... not only of videogames, but of everything else, nothing i would love more. but i'll never stop criticizing those that try to block other people's freedom of expression and the previlege of a certain group of people over other group of people just because we don't share the same beliefs.
oh and by the way...
some random guy on a game forum telling me to get a life would just be hypocritical if it wasn't just too damn funny
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