@Ravenlore_basic The point is that CDP realised that. As they stated more than once, they understand that there are 3 types of gamers, those who never pirate, those who always pirate and those who occasionally pirate. They don't waste time prosecuting the second type because it's useless, but they greatly support the first type and give plenty of reason to the third (and most crucial) type not to pirate their games, like DRM free, free DLC, frequent discount, great addition to their games (like making of, artbook and soundtrack), and of course truly excellent games. As they said, they treat every gamer with the respect and service due to a customer and not like a potential pirate (like almost any other company do). These are the reasons why they got such a great fanbase :)
This is awesome! XD!!!! I suppose the collector's edition of the game will feature a three headed monkey, a personalized voodoo doll and a rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle... Bonus for pre-ordered copy is a bottle of grog with a crazy straw! XD!!!!!
I'm a fan of Collector's but I'm more selective now, my priorities are full size artbook, things that enhance the game story (diaries, maps, journals) and making of. I don't care about statue anymore since I don't have space to put them and they will only get dusty. So far I believe the very best collector's edition came from Blizzard and CDProjekt RED. HALO have pretty good Collector's... Reach is my all time favourite mostly because of Dr. Halsey's diary which I deeply llove. Ubisoft instead really gets on my nerves... They made some really great Collector's for ACs, but they never made a version that hold everything... In order to get everything for a single AC game one is supposed to buy something like 3 or more version of the same game. I am willing to pay more (within reason) to have an edition that include everything, but not to buy 2 or 3 copies... Last I'm a bit disappointed with Bioshock Infinite, I preoredered the premium (not the songbird) but a game with so much attention to its art direction should come with a full size hardcoverd Artbook, like Blizzard's or CDP's... That mini artbook is nice but does not do justice to all the hard work made by the artist that worked in the game...
@MightyEzekiel I agree, but in the last three games in the Elder Scrolls series (I don't know about the first two), the world map was included in the standard version of the game. I would have loved a cloth map though (a real one, not like the useless one found in Dragon Age: Origins)...
I'm VERY intrigued by this game but there are many thing that need to be polished IMHO. First of all the acting, the voice are really good but too often the dialogue are overacted. On a technical level the graphic it's great but despite having good animation the character looks too detached from the background; also I hope the world would offer much more interaction (something I don't have much hope for since it's a flaw of almost any capcom game) and freedom to explore and/or climb everywhere and not just in predefined spot (a la Assassin's Creed if you want). The combat system it's very interesting and it's nice to see something new, but I hope it won't require too many visit to the menu to change style and combos and that they make it very challenging, something that seems to have been left behind in order to appeal to everyone. Also the sound could be improved in the combat bits to make them feel more effective and powerful. These are a lot of things to fix and the release date is too close, but I hope they will improve the game as much as they can in that time.
Everything in the first 5 tomb raider was based on the squares that was kinda the measurement unit of the game. You cannot jump at any time of her running cycle, but if you stay inside the limit of the game you can be quite precise and fast at navigating every level. Of course there are A LOT of platforming and if you don't like it (like Johnny) then it could be a problem. I also think that the NumbPad is way better for controlling Lara since you have every single action that she can perform literally at your fingertips... (of course is useless if you are left-handed) :)
@MAD_AI @PeterDuck Also they make wonderful conversion, they dedicated one year only for the 360 edition instead of delegating it to some other company, and the result was worthy (I own both the pc and 360 version of the game). If they manage to develop the game multiplatform from the start without sacrificing quality I won't care if it will come out at the same time on every platform. :D
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