@WayneSikes49 @gjozefi If i buy a car thats a lemon or not built .....doesn't mean that every car i buy from that same dealer will be of the same condition.wrong analogy sorry doesn't apply here.
@downloadthefile @gjozefi That nonsense will be dissapear in a matter of months. I really dont get it how you people say that a 5.0 should be validated indefinately regardless of server issues being fixed or not. That makes absolutely no sense to me.
This review and all you people that are for it are retarded. By your logic, if the game gets a low score because of problems that can be FIXED and will improve overtime you wont buy the game either way because it failed at launch. Why would you buy a 5.0 game later on if the servers get fixed? That's right...because the GAME ITSELF CONTENT WISE is alot better than 5.0
Realize that games nowadays can be patched AFTER release unlike older games so they will get released sooner.. Expect to run into problems when games of today are released.
Well that's weird because this bug never occured during beta. I played the DH extensively during beta and and equipped the templar with a blue shield plenty of times and never got booted.
gjozefi's comments