First time watching Feedbackula. Not my kinda thing. Won't be watching again - I know the voices are annoying on purpose, but this video is just annoying and simply not insightful at all, simply restating user comments? Honestly this shouldn't be a series. Now, "Escape from mount stupid" was a series!
I know this is aimed at kids, but I prefer characters who aren't already rooted in their own movies (ie, I prefer original ones), b/c for a few reasons:
1) Some of the characters in Disney movies were pretty lame - Mr. Incredible and the one-eye monster from Monsters Inc? Give me Aladdin to do combat with, then we'll talk. Or older Simba. 2) It shows Disney isn't willing to create their own characters from scratch, which mean they're lazy and are feeding off their own past success (major product placement here). 3) playing with ACTUAL monsters just feels more awesome.
Don't be surprised if the last of us has fixed (staged) events as well. Their "adaptive AI" seems to lead to staged enemy encounters that seem (at least to me) mildy annoying. It's naughty dog, for goodness sakes - they were never good at creating an AI. Ever. This game COULD possibly be the first though.
Also Anarchy reigns doesn't seem like a bad deal b/c it's 30$ at stores.
I think only problem with this is that you need to be in a dark room to fully experience the illumiroom (which, to be honest, isn't the best option for your eyes). Still though, this is pretty damn creative.
I agree whole heartedly. I haven't heard the term "midcore" been used before, but it sounds just about right. Spread it around the forums enough, and you'll see the word become mainstream. See what I did there?
Also, even though I haven't read this specific artlcle yet (as it's late at night, and I don't want to spoil what Miami Hotline has in store for me, even though there I know there is no plot so speak of), as I said again and again Petit is the best reviewer on the site (besides O'Dwyer, who actually reviewed Hotline but I don't see reviewing much at all). The bits and pieces of the article that I actually glimpsed at makes me think differently about games - for example, their power to evoke some introspection in players and thus determine one's motivation to what a fictional, self-representative character does on-screen. Who knew Hotline was that deep? Or were the developers aware of this theme, or are we just reading too much into it?
I just assumed that nintendo is always in there to make a quick profit - that is, utilizing hardware that is cheaper now than it was when the xbox/ps3 launched. This means using video cards that are cheap now (Wii U is currently using specs that only match the ps3/360, not surpass them), and cutting out extra costs whenever possible, via lack of HDD space and lack of ports (usb 3.0). They always seemed to do this, but it always seemed to work b/c people buy their console for gaming and the exclusive games anyway.
Still, with that said, they always seemed to innovate anyway, with the wii motion controls, 3DS (which is arguably their most drastic change in hardware since the transition from the GC to the Wii), and now ---this. Well, tentatively, since we'll see how much that controller thing can be applied to other games.
One correction out of the whole article: Halo 1 was the popular FPS at the time, not "the original half life". And, I thought HL1 > HL2, but that's just me. Traversing the barren environments via vehicle in HL2 took away from the more focused experience of corridor shooting and well-blended-in puzzle solving of HL1 --- as opposed to the shooting in wide open spaces and physics-based puzzle solving of HL2. Overall, HL1 was a more focused experience, with a stronger atmosphere and less talking mumbojumbo than of HL2
Nice! the article i expected to be longer, but what can u do? Gj GS. BTW, i think one of the NES games was good too (i think it was TMNT 2?). Fond memories from that game - one of the first games i've ever played - i was about 3/4 years old? =)
glitch2424's comments