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glostlover Blog

2 hours of sleep, bad day and picture day tomorrow.

I had 2 hours of sleep acompanied by 2 nightmares.

My first class in school was art and I got paper mishe all over my shirt,

I don't know if I did well on my science test,

my spanish teacher is just making a huge project for hispanic month and the project contains a 4 paged report It needs to be on a country in south america and it needs to include hgeography,economy, flag imfprmation...... oh and a game. The best thing is that we have to do the report in groups (sarcasm) people in my group don't do anything well exept 2 people. Still is a low number 3 out of 5 poeple working (well maybe not a very low number)well I don't really care cuz They will get a bad grade for not doing anything.

I have a project duethursday in math klass

My social studies teacher is also making another project and this one is about australia and new zealand,

oh and there is2 huge projects due on november for La but I need to read 2 books to do that (well that project is ok)

oh and the most sad day of the year that I just always want to escape from picture day oh and this picture will be on the year book.

A lot there is to do.

an apple from new zealand, a fight and avatar

Well I had an apple form new zealand today. It was good.

Ok so there was a fight in gym (in a grade lower than I am now) and from what I heard (from 1 person in the fight and the girl also that saw it all) it was big. There was screaming and swering and talking badly about the person's mom and well yeah big. I just laughed when I heard what happened. I seriously could not belive that there would be a big fight.

People must be really exited cuz Avatar season opening is today. What shall I do for today you people may ask. I will do nothing but watch the season opening episode. Now when the seaon finally comes I may do something big but then again, maybe not.


waterfall of homework (2007)

And so the terrible "oh man I won't finish my homework on time" phrase comes to my head again. These teachers obviously don't know that I have other classes! Other homework that I have to do.

[spoiler] My spanish teacher, I mean I can promise you that she makes up homework randomly like for today I had to write 5 paragraphs with atleast 5 sentences in each one about a story that the klass was reading in their spanish books,and we have to write those paragraphs in one of the characters perspective. had to make sence (well obviously she didn't need to say that). Sure you can say that that sounds easy but try it on a story that has so little information about each character. [/spoiler]

oh andthe teacherthinks that she is so kind and you're gonna laugh she thinks that she is cool. Nope I'm not lying.

Haven't been on much

yes the title once again says it all. this blog is to say that I haven't been on here much I mean my homework took a long time to finish.

once again another short blog.

first 3 days of school, soreness and a printer

My first day of school was not so good, my classes were too far away and ( i had to go up and down the starirs like 8 times and go to the other end of school 2 times) and my legs were sore when i got home.

The sencond day was ok and so my legs arms and stomach were sore, (i had gym that day and also i had a big mathbook and 4 science books in my bookbag).

My 3rd day of school was ok but I was still sore.

Today i got a printer and 6 books because i have to read 2 books every trimester and make a project by the end of each trimester about the 2 books.

I think this school year will be easy forme.

well thats it.

how to make signature?

I want to make my own signature and i don't know how to make one. I know I have the program paint in my computer but I dunno if i have gimp and that stuff. How do you people know if you have those other programs.

In conclusion how do you check if you have the program needed to make a signaure and how do you make a signature?

Please people I really want to make my own signature.

school year 2007 for me starts


yes wednesday august 29. I will not be here so much because I have to get used to sleeping earlier (I curently sleep at 1 am...) Doing homework, handing in reports and projects on time... the usual....

it was an oksummer to tell you the truth.....the thing that made my summer not so good is how many times i was bored on the computer or how annoying my older sister and little cousin could be, THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT MARATHON OF NARUTO! LOL. anyways it was great but still not a good summer.

last 3 days...naruto, 2 summer reading books and level 14

Well the past 3 days on cartoon network they have been putting all first 100episodes of Naruto. From 6 am to 11 pm I was watching TV.... I sawonly 98 episodesmy alarm clock didn't wake me up on time :( . I had started watching Naruto like a week before that marathon and so I started to be a Naruto fan at that time and then when I heard that there was going to be a marathon I got so exited.... yep well its true. And just so that you know I am a Sasuke fan!!!! :| .... yeah anyways....

During the commercials I would read my summer reading books.

On Friday the first day of the marathon was great... yeah that's about it on Friday.

On saturday (the penultimate day of the marathon)i had to read like about 100 pages (obviously pages of a book) and well I read them all on the commercials and yes I finished it.

On Sunday the last day of the marathon I had to read a 276 paged book and so well I started reading it during the commercials early and i sorta skipped a few pages and paragraphs. :P lol. I had to turn it in Sunday because Monday (today) the book would have to be turned in. (i like to turn in books early just so that it wouldn't be late) :roll:

Sasuke Rulez! lol ;) Sasuke still rules and will always rule.... ;)

oh and by the title I am in level 14 now. :|

Red sox in Fenway park. (short blog)

so yesterday I went to see the red sox play against Tampa BayDevil Rays ( i think that is who they played against) ...... yeah so it was my first time ever going to fenway park..... Thats about it.