When are all you people finally realise and ADMIT that there's hardly any difference at all between these two consoles. This sh*t has been going on forever since the release and it's been getting more and more annoying ever since. It are these preteen mentality arguments that destroy gaming culture as a whole. If you would actually have been around as long as me, ever since freakin' Pong came out, you would realise that it's an everlasting discussion THAT CAN NOT BE WON in any way whatsoever. Consoles from the same generation have always had hardly any differences between them (well, except for Neo-Geo, that is), whatever difference they have in hardware, which is entirely logical. Now please, for the love of gaming, shut your mouth and go play a game on whatever hardware you like.
True, PC gaming is definitely more expensive. But that's a CHOICE everybody makes for themselves. And it isn't all that expensive as some of you want to make everyone believe. 5k a year? Dude, don't make me laugh. Over a course of 2 years, my rig cost me about 1500euros (about 2000dollar), upgrades included and it maxes out Bioshock with full AA and AF keeping a constant and smooth fps. I think I've earned that, since it's my choice and I WORK for my money so that I could spend cash on whatever the ... I want.
@MetalZombieII True :), it's not a competition. Everyone makes up their own mind. You prefer the 360 version, I prefer the PC version. Fine, I hope we both enjoy this stunning game! Pfffff, I am sooooo fed up with this twenty-four-seven console/pc wars BS. I remember a time when, in a world where gaming wasn't accepted yet by the mainstream audiences, people were glad they encountered a like-minded gamer, whatever console or games they preferred. I'm not saying that it was better in the past, but can't we just drop this sh*t please?
Half-Life will prove to be even more quintessential in the future. When games start to become movies and movies become games and you will be your own main character, Half-Life will be hailed as the landmark that started it all. Ab-so-lute Genius!
Bland environments & vast open spaces don't work. It has to be more dense, wether it are buildings or vegetation. Now it's just one big bunnyhopping playground. This is really a very, very big disappointment. I liked the trailer better. At least then I could still hope that they were going for another angle in Halo3, not just redo Halo2 in a 'next-gen' (whoever invented this word, should be shot...) coating.
All you PSfanboys bashing Gamespot for being 'anti-Sony' should read the God of War 2 review. And then go have a threesome with your PS2 &PS3, while the PSX is filming.
I've been a pc gamer all my life. I' ve owned all consoles from the Atari's to the first Playstation. Then I never bought a console again, since I spent all my money on upgrading my pc rig. After 5 console-free years, however, and with pc upgrading becoming preposterously expensive, I decided to buy a new console a month ago. Then, the big question was: which one? - Playstation 2: still a cool console, cheap & tons of great games. However, spending 150 euros (about $200) on a 'old' console + buying games for it, would set me back almost half the amount of what a 'next-gen' console costs. So no PS2. - Wii: rather cheap & I like the whole concept, but I have a love for great graphics (I can understand that some people don't, but I do), so the Wii was out of the race. - Xbox 360: great console, solid graphics & a lot cheaper than the Playstation 3. And, most importantly: so much great games that I couldn't possibly choos which one to buy first. Drawbacks: extra money for HD-DVD (not that I need it now, but you never know what the future brings..) + rumours of Zephyr, so I may well regret my buy in a few months... - Playstation 3: on paper, the strongest contestant when it comes to graphics & I know that I would not regret buying it. Drawbacks: not a single great game yet (don't get me wrong, obviously Motorstorm and Resistance are GOOD, but they are far from great & they're certainly no games that I would buy a console for) & MASSIVELY overpriced in Europe: 600euros = almost $800!!!! I had a hard time making up my mind & eventually, I chose for the Xbox360. Why? Well, because of the price and because of the amount of games. I think that the graphical difference is way too small to be a deciding factor. By now, I've seen so many consoles come and go that I know that in 2-3 years, PC gaming will again be graphically so far in front of consoles & we would consider PS3 and Xbox360 graphics to be on virtually the same level. And if PS3 becomes such a must-have in the futur, then I'll pick it up in about 2 years, for half the price AND it will have tons of great games by then. You see, the PS3 has the same problem than the 1080p tv's. Great when it comes to boasting to your friends, but no use whatsoever. Don't get me wrong, I know that they will be great in a year or 2 years or so, but not just yet. As a European, it would be extremely dumb to pay $200 more than the rest of the world for a machine that has no games for me & whose main price-justifying excuse is a don't-be-to-sure-that-it-will-survive standard. Actually, I really hope that a lot of great games will come out on the PS3, then I'll buy one for half the price of you fanboys, who absolutely had to have it when it didn't even serve a purpose yet.
gnrlcryingwolf's comments