This list is a mess. The wrong developers are cited for some games, some games definitely aren't coming this year, and others are really stretching the definition of "exclusive". Gamespot needs to re-evaluate their click bait division, because this is garbage.
@PortalJumper93: It's still very much relevant, considering there are more PS4 owners out there than Switch and Wii U owners combined. What a silly statement.
@greenmax: I held off the Wii U because it didn't have this yet and there was never a Metroid announcement. I'll jump on the Switch for this, and hope Nintendo has Rare polishing off Samus's suit.
@50cratez: If you prefer watching movies then why are commenting on GameSpot? I'd rather play Zelda on a plane than watch Independence Day 2 like my last flight.
@ginxeno: I think it was also because Musou games still sell very well in Japan and the anime, despite being known abroad, is still more popular there than in the West. Yes, it's catering to the lowest common denominator. I also don't think this would work as well with Witcher or even Souls style combat. Guts takes on way more enemies at once than those games throw at you, and he does so with more ease. The arcadey style of Musou games fits that. However, I do agree with you that a Capcom style action game in the vein of DMC or Bayonetta would have been more fun.
@Gelugon_baat: That seems harsh. Alien: Isolation was a fine game. I think a lot of this game's issues come from the way Microsoft wanted the RTS formula to be streamlined. That's very much in keeping with the original. Furthermore, the story issues can be chalked up to 343. They'd have Creative control over that. I mean, think about it. Halo 4 and 5 didn't have great narratives for their campaigns either. At least not when compared to Bungie's Halo titles.
@Gelugon_baat: Well, you know, sometimes devs only do a licensed game as a second party to pay the bills. It's not like Microsoft had a in-house RTS studio to do this after they axed Ensemble.
gokartmozart89's comments