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gokusan6669 Blog

Playing CoH Again

I started playing CoH again. I'm so excited. I loved playing this game when I used to play it back in 05/07, and I'm glad to say that the trial version has given me more reason to want to pay to play again. If anyone reads these blogs, you can find me on the Freedom server under Master Baydor and Pukk

Manga's - Spoiler Alert

I just read the new Naruto and Bleach manga's. My suspicions were correct about the transformation Ichigo went through, it was his hollow side. I wonder since he was able to supress it and change back to regular old Ichigo, will he be able to change at will. I think not, he would have to go back to his inner self and have another fight with his white hollow side. Good luck. I think the manga would be a lot better if Ichigo was evil. That would be exilirating.

As far as Naruto goes, I wonder what he wants to talk about. Is he going to switch sides? Probably not, but it crosses my mind.

First Blog Ever!

I'm not a big blogger, but I thought that I would give it a shot anyway. I came across an issue that I wanted to address, and it has to do with reviews of games. Most games get a bad rep because "professional gamers" don't like them, which is fine because that's their opinion. My issue is that other people, like myself, won't play a game based off of these opinions of others. If I would have done what I normally do, which is read reviews and play games that only have 8.0+ ratings, then I would have missed out on a game that has kept my interest for the past 2-3 weeks straight. The game I'm referring to is Mana-Khemia: Student Alliance for the PSP. It's a fun game, that doesn't lay it all out for you at the very begining, which keeps me interested even more. Before this blog goes on, I just want to sum what I was wanting to say up, don't go off of what other people write. When you run across a game that you like, read what other people wrote about it, and by other people, I'm talking about the people that liked that game too. Then see what they recommend, because what this does is open the door to other games that you might like based off of "like interests."
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