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goodbyethumbs Blog

Gaming is Changing

Sign in, select all new arrivals, gasp! this is the process i go through many wednesday mornings. When i first purchased my 360 the online was key. Games like Gears of war and Call of duty were a must. However, the arcade games and the xbox originals just sat on the dashboard, not really catching my attention. But now! oh now, its completely different. Some days i don't even open the disc tray. I just soak up the Arcade for hours on end. Back last year there wasn't much to look forward to, maybe one or two big titles and then a shed load of retro remakes but in the last couple of months we have had completely new titles that could pass as actually disc games. We have Battlefield 1943, graphics are limited and maps are limited but just to have an FPS of this nature for download is enough to forget any flaws and just enjoy the damn thing. We also have games like Shadow Complex, which i just purchased with my points not more than an hour ago and already i'm hooked.

We also now finally have the Games on demand service. Full, official 360 titles for download, similar to the PS3 and with the PSP GO on the way, to me it looks like digital copies of games may be having a rapid boost in sales in the next couple of years, a new age of gaming may soon be upon us people!

Wow that must be my first blog in years now. It's good to be back!

Wey Hey!

Bit of a life update. I've finally managed to get myself a job after being a hobo for the last few months. Working for the retail store GAME. Fandabbydozy! :D

Also i have the oppurtunity to say i have now passed my practical driving exam (1st time, what a relief!) so soon i'll be kickin about town in some chitty-chitty-bang-bang-esq loonatic car that io found in a scrap yard. oh the fun!

Another update! 1st series of Reaper is over. No more until next year. GUTTED! :(

But all in all a good week for dear old me, BOO YAH!


Anyone watch it? E4 on wednesdays? Kevin Smith? ...No? Dang it!

For those who aren't aware of it, it's a TV show recently made by Kevin Smith showing on E4. It's about a guy called Sam who has his soul sold to the devil by his parents before he is even conceived. Being under a contract with the devil his job desciption, if you could call it a job, requires him to capture escaped souls from hell, much like fugitives. Now these souls aren't just floating ghostly apparitions, they are all angry, crazy, sick, twisted souls intent on causing more destruction in death than they did in life and Sam has to be the one to stop them and send them back to where they belong. The poor guy.

So that's basically the story behind it. This TV show is the best thing i've seen in a long time. Anyone who is into Kevin Smith films, or TV shows that are supernatural comedies then this show is for you, i haven't missed an episode to date, and don't intend to. Bring on the DVD release!

Thoughts on Clerks II

This has to be one of the best films i've ever seen. I bought the DVD not long ago and was just blown away by its bluntness, hillarity and dialogue. Just a brilliant film, nothing deep and meaningful really. Just pure light entertainment at its best. Everyone should watch it, it's some of Kevin Smiths best, probably THE best of his work.

About CHAVS.

Know any chavs who say "Trust..." instead of "trust me"? well, i do. is it so damn difficult to add another word to the sentence people? Honestly, one more syllable and its like it's physically impossible for the chav-culture to spit it out their filthy little mouths. If only we had some sort of way to put a stop to it, language police maybe? Yes, it may seem like a bit of a petty thing to get worked up over but as far as i'm concerned if we dont put a stop to chavvy behaviour we could have a new nation of nazi's on our hands. Yes, NAZI's! A typical chav is abusive and anti-social in general towards anyone who doesn't share their taste in cars, music and clothes, so if you ask me they are the petty ones im just saying what's on my mind.

And i know any chav reader will say "But we're not all like that" ....True, you aren't all like that. However, the vast, vast, vast majority of you are. It's practically a new form of racism how you treat others, especially the rock culture. It wasn't more than a week ago i heard about a goth that got beaten to death by a chav for little or no reason. Quite frankly i think the lot of you burberry laden *******s should be rounded up and slaughtered, whether you a nice chav or not. Put a stop to those hateful people right now.

And yes i might seem a bit hateful right now too, but you know it's the truth.

I Am Legend - Alternate Ending

A better ending than the one used in the theatrical version. Made a lot more sense.

Also the Animated Comic extra feature is pretty intense at times even though each comic lasts about 5 minutes. Well worth the extra cash. A good film, a good DVD, an all round good'n! Y'all should get it!

The Under-rateds

basically, a few things i think don't get the recognition they deserve.
Resident Evil Film Trilogy - Granted, Extinction was pretty darn awful but the other two were brilliant, largely entertaining, explosions and head's rolling in abundance. These films, however, get slated by most people i know without any real justification. When i ask them why they dont like the film the response is usually "because it's rubbish", nothing more is said. This has to stop, just accept a good film is a good film, stop looking for problems you cant find. Come to think of it, zombie flicks in general get bad reviews. I'm a fan, it beats all the vampire and werewolf crap that we see every few months in the cinemas
The Sega Dreamcast - a great console that went down the pan. look at the games it spawned; Shenmue, a timeless game, if you haven't played it dont play another game until you do. Sonic Adventure, that game was just pure fun. Phantasy Star Online, the first console game to feature online combat. Power Stone, a fantastic fighter. this console did wonders for gaming, i would still own one if i had some dosh.
Lucky charms! - what the hell happened to them!?!? best cereal ever!

Things and People That Deserve To Be Burned

  1. Lets start with those (insert insult here)'s who drive around in "Modded" cars with the speakers blazing, the shoddy paint job and the spoiler on the back, or as i call it; the carrying handle. Here's what i have to say abput THOSE people (It starts with F and rhymes with duck) YOU!!!!! When i'm having a nice sleep i don't want it to be ruined by your ruddy cars! they suck! they lack the true spirit of a modded car because all that happens is you stick some less than energy efficient speakers in the boot and get some glossy paint and a spoiler made of frikkin' styrofoam and act all billy-badass when in reality a volvo estate is better then your bright orange 106 that looks like a SATSUMA! I hope all your cars find out what the dangerous end of a shotgun does to it next time you go for a cruise.

  2. Now that i've got that off my chest here's round two; "Teen/Spoof Movies", you know the ones, Scary Movie, Not Another Teen Movie, Meet The Spartans. All of these are about as entertaining as sandpaper toilet roll. There is only one good Teen Movie and that's The Breakfast Club, anything after that is in generally awful, the producers might as well have vomitted on the film reel.
  3. OK, point three is very specific...ELLIOT MINOR. Yes, the band, if you could call them that. I prefer to call them target practice. Why? because they are part of this indie-pop-punk ooh watch me flick my hair culture and when ever their songs pop onto a radio station i feel that my ears are torturing me. The music is AWFUL!
  4. point four, i'll give you the situation. A boygoes to the doctor and is told he's dangerously overweight, the parents blame his new XBOX 360 which THEY BOUGHT HIM! soon they write to the papers and campaign to get kids off computers and out exercising. Look, all of you out there who blame video games, get over it, especially you judgmental parents. Ever stop to think it may be the high fat meals give to your children by schools and yourself? No?..didn't think so, look at yourselves and decide what the real problem is, dont use games as a scapegoat. Yes, video games probably didn't help but maybe the fact you refused to give your child some change to go swimming when they really wanted to is 90% of the problem. does that sound at all familiar to anyone out there?

That's my little mini rant over now cause i have to go out on a driving lesson, fury vented, i shall finish on a happy note; Theory Test soon! Woo Hoo! :)

Games I Want in 2008

1) The World Ends With You
a nice looking anime game for DS out soon, cant wait

2) Final Fantasy IV
A DS version of the fourth game in the Final Fantasy series, if it's anything like the remake of III it'll be great

3) Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
A prequel to one of the best games in the series, and one of the best games on playstation

4) Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword
High hopes for this addition to the Ninja Gaiden series

(to be continued!...)
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