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goodbyethumbs Blog

Final Fantasy VI

god i miss it...what a great game that was. when ever the question "what is your favourite final fantasy game?" comes up in conversation the answer is almost always "final Fantasy VII" (with good reason) but it means the other great FF title don't get half the recognition due. well that was about all i had to say =]

Video Games & The problems they apparently cause.

Ok so i was reading through my NGamer Magazine the other day and i got to this page, on it was basically a load of politicians and newspaper reporters, in a nutshell, taking a stab at gaming because it lowers the health and intelligence of the youth. Now i dont know about the rest of gamespot but i find it frikkin' offensive that they think gamers are unhealthy and stupid because we play games and, according to them, do nothing but! Some smart-ass reporter said we spend all day on games instead of going out and playing football. Now i dont know about the rest of you but i sure as hell go out and get exercise, not playing football however because that's just an awful sport to play but i go out on walks, do some weight lifting, play rugby with my mates and i still go on games and i personally dont consider myself stupid like Captain Know-it-all from the newspaper. I'm getting tired of all this blame being focused on video games for the problems with the youth of today. I walk down some streets in my home town and the pavement is laced with teenagers who sit outside all day long hanging about, which i believe is called loitering and something the police dont like you to do, so what do they do when they get told to shift it? well i can bet at least a few from every encounter go home and stick gears of war on, so who's to blame, video games? or those stupid politicians and snooty people who give us nothing better to do than to go on a game? And don't tell us all we should read more books too, there's a good reason people play games more than they read, it's easier than reading and takes less time, not that i don't like to read. Dean Koontz is a brilliant author.

Another thing that really tugged on those short n' curlys was the link between violant games and real life violance, according top the government and Mr Gordon Browna kid will see a knife fight in a game and then go all stabby stabby with there school teacher. I'm not saying games don't inspire it sometimes but you'd have to be a total moron to see Sam Fisher gut a terrorist and then decide you want to go stab someone. And one thing that kind of defies the whole point they made in my opinion; from what i gather games de-stress people, get rid of all the built up anger, calm them down. Who wouldn't be centred atfer a tough day by switching on the XBOX and going all out trigger happy on Halo? Video games help relieve the urge to kill, not encourage it, Though now i've got a few news paper writers i'd like to frag...

In short politicians are still using video games as a scape goat for problems with the youth (not a new develpoment i know), and i think it's time they swung that judgemental pencil the other way and looked at what they have done to help get us all healthy and law-abiding (which isn't much)

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