wth? anyway. People HAVE DS's. its just people like you that make it "uncool" to "show" other people them. I play Pokemon on the computers in school and everyones like.. omfg thats awesome.. how did you do that.. i want that.. but if i brougth my DS, it'd be.. wow you have a GAY-S! but whatever. I play my DS all the time an dlove it. PSP is cool, but i honestly don't need it. i have an MP3 (much better than carrying a 2lb brick). I also have superior(in my mind) games. So really... to me the DS is better.
Its strange.. DS kills PSP worldwide... however in the US its close... i'm not even joking it is... but yeah.. i still think that DS is king of this gen. Next gen.. i somewhat doubt it wil hold on as well. Adults that bought DS aren't the kind of people that Upgrade thigns. They are hte people that still have a toaster from 1970. If it toasts bread, its good. If its plays brain age, its good.
So yeah. If they do a DS2 it will not do as good. If its a GB3, then i'll be happy, and if they do both, well they win for sure.
Our foot ball team holds mario cart turnomentson the way to our games. we usally have 3 gamesfilled. People love ds's
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