How about releasing FFXII Zodiac age remaster on the Nintendo Switch? I bet it would sell a ton due to the fact that there aren't a lot of RPGs on Switch yet and large games seem good on a portable console where I can do some of the side things on the bus. Please!
@Spartan_418: The iPhone 7 Plus runs at 414 × 736, upscales it, and then downscales it to 1080p. So many games you see run at 414 × 736 before scaling. You can also reference the Nexus 7 tablet which has a bigger display at a full 7" but runs at 720p and still looks stunning.
@wtf_666: At this point disc technology is hella old and most computers don't even have disc drives. But the Xbox One and PS4 both have them. Yet everything is adding SD cards that are getting huge storage capacity (512GB+) and the Nintendo 3DS has one of those. Seems like Nintendo is actually ahead of the curve on this one.
@wexorian:The iPhone 7 has a resolution of 750x1334 which is barely over 720x1280 and it looks hella nice. Resolution has nothing to do with color accuracy, number of colors reproduced, brightness, or pixel quality.
720p in a 6.2" screen will probably be mostly unnoticeable compared to higher resolution phones since phones tend to render in lower res and upscale to the high DPI display in games. My Nexus 7 tablet is 720p and its a really nice looking display. It should also help battery life as less pixels means less power drain needed to drive the display.
Given the thickness compared to phones for more battery capacity I'm hoping this all adds up to a minimum 6 hours of game time. That seems break point for me. Shorter than that and they'll seriously hamper their claims of a mobile platform.
Xbox backwards compatibility program. Just tell microsoft to flip the switch and do the quality testing to ensure it runs smoothly. I would love to run through ME2 and ME3 again before Andromeda comes out.
Sweet! I really enjoyed the setting and story in FF XII. Kinda wish is was coming to the Vita as well to make it portable but I'll take what I can get. FF XII and FF7 Remake may finally force me to get a PS4 unless Square can be convinced to show Xbox some love.
I would love to see both this and Skyward Sword be made without the motion controls. I never could bring myself to play Skyward Sword due to the stupid motion control. Motion control is fine as long as its an option and not a requirement.
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