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gooseberry-jam Blog


I got this link from one of my mom's friends, I found it to be pretty funny, hope you do too:

In other-not so unrelated to the link-news I just finished my paper for English: "High school: Pros and Cons" I hope my teacher won't give me any three liners. That means I've misspelled something I shouldn't and indirectly insulted the entire English language and deserve to be executed. I better reread it.


I'm Back!

Here I am again, my blog has not been hijacked this time:P

New courses starts this week and I now have English C, Journalism and Art class.

In English class we have a very special and close to intimidating teacher. I've had her for the A and B course so I'm used to her but the others in my class aren't so it's soooo funny to look at them all when our teacher does her thing, sort of say. Like If she asks the class it you know the difference between a syllabus and a curriculum you put on the "Of coarse I do" face and nod appropriately, even though you're not a 100% certain. Because if you don't you get her "Aren't you just a little bit stupid after all?" look. And that's on a good day.

There's this one girl in my English who I bet will turn out to be a little miss know-it-all and my mission is to bring her down! My active vocabulary's gonna kick her vocabulary's bottom. And if that for some unlikely reason fails I can at least become the teacher's pet because she already loves me:P

And Elin, speaking of teachers who loves me, for only having had one Art class I'd say Heidi loves me already. I suggested that we work independently with a common theme and that we got to choose material and everything else according to what we all like the best. She said that she's never heard that before and that I'm a genius coming up with it and that I should get a medal and and MVG...Ok she didn't say that but she added it into the course:D

She did however say Öpp- words a million times and she talks slower than a snail walks, AND I'm gonna make friends with your ugly friend, (Erika is it?) who's n my class and asked if I knew you when I said that I'm in N3NO. AND Åsa, Elin, annoying Ebba isn't in your Journalism as you said Åsa..She's in my art class!!!

I love Art and English

This Is Your Captain Speaking

That's right! Bobfisk is in da blog.

Today Julia, Åsa, Maja, Fanny and I went swimming in a house with three pools. We took some pictures under water... will post later. Okay, I just wanted to write something in Julia's blog. I'm outta here.

my future

1. Put your music player on shuffle.

2. Press forward for each question.

3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense.

Will it be ok?

Bring It On

How are you feeling today?
I Just Don't Know What To With My Self

How do your friends see you?
En Vän Med En Bil (= A friend with a car)

Will you get married?
Haste To The Wedding

What is your best friend’s theme song?
Laughing Out Loud

What is the story of your life?
It Wasn't Me

What was high school like?
Roch'n'Roll Highschool

How can you get ahead in life?
With Arms Outstretched

What is the best thing about your friends?
The Bad Touch

What is tonight going to be like?

What is in store for the remainder of this weekend?
The Worst Hangover Ever

What song describes you?
Vad Pojkar Vill Ha (=What boys want)

To describe your grandparents?
Numbered Days

How is your life going?
Just Can't Get Enough

What song will they play at your funeral?
Känn Ingen Sorg För Mig Göteborg (= Don't mourn me gothenburg)

How does the world see you?
Walk Idiot Walk

Will you have a happy life?

What do your friends really think of you?

Well It's True That We Love One Another

Do people secretly lust after you?
Yeah Yeah Wow Wow

How can I make myself happy?
Scooby Snacks!

What should you do with your life?
Go West

Will you ever have children?
Gimme Gimme Gimme

Yeah, I didn't really do it, the songs are real but I picked them out so it would look good:P


All the leaves are brown and the sky is gray...

And that's why I'm staying inside whatching Party of Five and MacGyver re-runs and not doing my homework.

Downtown explodes...

... I'll still be on this road 'till I am delivered for the first time.

This is one of those Sundays that stings just a little bit extra because today's the last day of fall break. I got a taste of the good life without any school. Just enought to make you not wanna go back to a crappy school. But as always I'll get used to it againg and then it's not as bad anymore.

During my break I've been with Åsa and Elin to Lund where our friend now studies environmental science. We had a lot of fun there for two days but that's pretty much it for my exciting fall break. When I got home from Lund my pretty new ipod had arrived so the rest of the time I spent with my music in my ears. The sad thing is that now I can still feel the ear pluggs in my ears even though I'm not using it.

There's some things I probably should have done instead of listening to music all the time, school work being one thing, but I figure that the little I did is enough. What I'm excited about but also a little bit stressed (good stressed) about is the Red Bull art of a can competition I entered. If I want it picked up by them I have to finish it by november 15th and I'm not certain on what to create yet, I have lost of ideas but I want the best idea, the most originall and coolest one. I want to win. But looking at some of the other winners makes me a little bit discuraged, also I just realized my sweet little ipod's having problems, the battery ran out and it just says connect to a power source but when I do nothing happens. Nothing at all happens. :( my poor baby. If it's broken I'll be very very angry. I gotta go.

Song of the day: I've been delivered by The Wallflowers

Mom, Dad, guess we're I went yesterday

Here's a short story of how we cut class, hopped on a bus, arrived 3 h later Helsingborg only to flee the country completely and eventually end up in Denmark. And my parents think I spent the night at Elin's watching movies...

Well, well. arrived by UPS in Helsingborg...

well, not really. But we took a boat to Helsingör in Denmark though....

And they were all delighted to see us. The food store threw a party, or in this case, a fest!

But all the sudden they tried to run Elin over by train tracks...

But luckily we kept our cool, and left...

Back to good ol' Sweden again. And for everything in between check out Bobfisk's blog, I'm letting her do all the hard work...


Maybe you all now wonder why I screamed like that, I just wanted to let you all know that I'm eating Ben & Jerry's and you're( probably) not!:P

Remember the 90's...

...Because it rocked!!

Easy, chatchy boyband, and all dedicated to Åsa!


Picture of you

No matter what


Ronan Keating

Life is a rollercoaster

if tomorrow never comes

When you say nothing at all