gorilaboy's forum posts
[QUOTE="akai_reaver"][QUOTE="meetroid8"][QUOTE="akai_reaver"]Confirmed by GoNintendo. o__o;
Finally, a reliable source.
DArn. If Nintendo Power doesn't give it AA it won't be AA probably.
These are the real Nintendo Power scores. They're confirmed by GoNintendo.
?? I'm confused by your confusion. Nintendo Power only gave it a 7.5 so I said it probably won't get AA.
You didn't ever state that you were talking about Bwii, or quote someone on Bwii, which confused me. Now that you gave the score, I do know what you're talking about.[QUOTE="gojays"]Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii) - 9.5
Bleach: The Blade Of Fate (DS) - 8.5
Contra 4 (DS) - 8.5
Geometry Wars: Galaxies (Wii) - 8.0
Battalion Wars 2 (Wii) - 7.5
Front Mission (DS) - 6.5
MLB Power Pros (Wii) - 6.5
Naruto: Clash Of Ninja Revolution (Wii) - 7.0
WWE Smachdown Vs. Raw 2008 (Wii) - 6.5
Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock (Wii) - 9.0
Mega Man ZX Advent (DS) - 8.5
Naruto: Path Of The Ninja (DS) - 7.5
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials And Tribulations (DS) - 8.5
Zack & Wiki: Quest For Barbaros' Treasure (Wii) - 9.0
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker (DS) - 8.0
Guitar Hear XX Accent Core (Wii) - 8.0akai_reaver
Do you have a source? Just wondering.
I posted this up as well, but my only source was from the IGN boards.
I'd like to see your sources, too, gojay P. S. Thanks for posting where you found your scores, akai reaverThey are always very nicely paced so in the beggining it will be very very simple and slowly bring you up until its like uber complicated in the end.meetroid8However, the difficulty isn't derived from the interface. Characters remain their own class and do a specific set of moves that are described well by their names. However, the existence of permadeath makes the game difficult in the later stages.
That scrolling wheel sounds like a pretty good idea to me. Where do they say something good is ace? It sounds cool and all, but I just don't hear it where I live.i can think of a few improvements allright.
i wish there was a bit more umph under the hood. not bothered about HD or anything like that but i wished ninty just went a little further with the guts of the machine. maybe double the shader lines in the GPU and break the 1GHz barrier with the CPU. i reckon they could have gotten close to that if they just made the wii a bit bigger so a better heatsink could be fitted. a little extra ram (maybe 128MB instead of 88MB) also wouldnt hurt. i think they could have squeezed more out of it without needing to raise the price.
more internal memory would have also been nice. i dont know what ninty were thinking when they thought 512MB of memory would do the job over a 5 year period.
instead of using the DVD drive i think it would have been better if ninty further developed the drive inside the GC. maybe double the disc capacity (3GB would be fine for wii), double the spinning speed and enhance the read rates and access times. since wii is not able to play DVDs, i think they could have gotten more performance out of a complely custom drive with custom tech, like the GC drive.
some sort of scrolling wheel on the wiimote would be ace. would make weapon selection much easier for example.
overall im happy with the wii though. needs some beter games (MP3 on friday over here....cant wait) but there coming.
[QUOTE="gorilaboy"]You are very amusing.Evil_Rabbid111
get jiggy with it? what am i supposed to stop?why walmart? I dont want mario party 8, I just want to change it for SPMchelosera91Often if you try hard enough you can get Walmart to give you store credit. It's an idea, for sure. As for trading the game in at gamestop, you'll probably get less than you would on Ebay. The key is to price at less than Gamestop prices for used but more than they would give you in store credit.
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