[QUOTE="twosaxy4myshirt"][QUOTE="Bass7"]I hope you're not calling it Chinetndo Vii because everyone in China has the last name "chin". I hate people who say that, it's like saying everyone in america has the last name smith. Duckman5But everyone in America has the last name Smith. And everyone in China has the last name Chan or Lee, not Chin. :P My last name is Hamtanar. Where am I from? I certainly wouldn't buy that piece of crap.
gorilaboy's forum posts
Carbon copies may describe the republicans, but the democrats have Hillary Clinton. And the other big democratic candidate (Barack Obama), by the very nature of Hillary Clinton, is different.Of course he's not serious, that is just a character. The crazy part is, he could win if he really tried. Thats an insane thing to say, but look at all the other prez hopfuls. They are all carbon copies of each other. Yes, of course they all have thier "differences". We all know that yes, hundreds of thousands of people will vote, yet if it is any kind of close, the electoral college will decide the vote. So, if Colbert could get the younger peeps to vote, he could win. And thats crazy!!!
1.5X as powerful as the Gamecube and the Gamecube was more powerful than the PS2 it's just the devs never took advantage of it. I think so.X360PS3AMD05I've never heard 1.5...
[QUOTE="gorilaboy"]I just don't think the Mario franchise is really able to support the large teams that are required for football. In addition, with the special mario elements added it would be way to easy to blow through enemy lines. And play calling is bound to be cut to unacceptable levels. I don't think American Football is really going to stand up to marionization.sonic_rusher
Lets think this out. If there is one franchise so rich with characters its Mario, this could be done easier than hell. Secondly your thinking of Strikers too much. Mario Elemetns does not necessarily mean throwing chain chomps on the field. There are other ways to do it not even needing to use items.
This game can work on many more levels than your giving it credit.
Ahh, whatever. How would I know, really. If it ever comes out, we'll see, I guess.[QUOTE="gorilaboy"] Screw it then. I like character and plot development, and am unimpressed with the breadth of Halo 3's offering in that regard. So, I'm interested in full, lengthy single player affairs...juju187
that post has elder scrolls all over it
Played it on PC. I liked the thieves guild and Brotherhood of Darkness questlines, but wasn't impressed by the main quest. I also didn't really like the enemy scaling, which sucked. Bad.Is Live $50 a year?I really enjoyed Halo 3's, Gears of War, and Rainbow Six's single player, and if you can find some time there some of the best multiplayer games out there, you could also grab some friends for coop. Bioshock has an amazing single player, and if you get the 360 now i'm sure you'll find abunch of games you'll like, you can try the demos on the marketplace.
Thanks. Those look pretty good. Goodbye money, I'll miss having you...[QUOTE="gorilaboy"][QUOTE="chief_527"]NOW!!! Well if you are single campaing guy, then theire is Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Oblivion, The Orange box, Skate, Hour of Victory (I almost kept a straigh face......but no) Bioshock, Viva PiƱata, Command and Conquer.That shold keep you accupied until Mass Effect :Dchief_527
I've Heard Mass Effect is pretty long... if you don't have time for Halo 3 than how are you going to have time for Mass Effect?atreyu27I really just have time in the middle of the night, when people start logging out of online.
Dude in Halo3 there ir ALWAYS people online no matter what time of the day. I play around midnight as wel and their is usally around the 500,000 around that time.
Screw it then. I like character and plot development, and am unimpressed with the breadth of Halo 3's offering in that regard. So, I'm interested in full, lengthy single player affairs...
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