Most likely, however I don't think I'll be playing State of Decay "The Uncut Australian edition (NOW WITH ADDED ILLICIT DRUGS :D)" in 10 years time.
@dragonkantus @gosushi indeed you haven't. I was making one of those lame kinda joke thingyo things......thing.Sorry :(
@Jasurim @iBuzz7S yes it's drugs and just about anything else that action of some description. All our R18's are toned down.
@iBuzz7S Your in big trouble buddy. Just wait till they get their hands on your digital copy of the game (some how....I don't know, what ever, **** you) and turn those zombies in to teletubbies! HA!
@dragonkantus Your completely missing the point. All we need to know, is can she make our buses run on time.:D
Women make better bosses anyway. They strive to prove themselves in what many would call 'a mans world'.
@EL_Bomberdor @gosushi That's quite the pickle you guys managed to get yourself in there........good luck?Thankfully my family migrated at the 5 foot mark :D
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