Sony didn't reveal the PS4 PRO until OctoberSo Microsoft will probably do the same skip E3 and reveal the Scorpio October
I Buy most my games digitally so I'm already part of the digital futureAnd so does most of the PlayStation fanboys here who are complaining
@frank_castle: Sony just released the PS4 PRO so they need to make back some of the billions they pored into the PS4 PRO so don't expect to see the PS5 until 2020 at the earliest
The PS4 PRO is too weak to show any meaningful improvements in gamesSony went cheap with the specs and processing powerPS4 PRO =EPIC FAIL
@Xristophoros: The Xbox Scorpio has more ramBigger memory bandwidthMore powerful CPU and GPU so yeah it is more powerful than the PS4 PRO
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