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I remember there being kids in the theatre when I watched 'Death to Smoochy'. The local film ratings board gave it a Parental Guidance rating (I guess they didn't watch it, just looked at the poster and slapped a rating on it...).

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Edited By gotthammer

@PETERAKO: nah. I'd rather they improve it. Give it an 'Enhanced Edition' (for free, gotta win the disappointed over, after all :P Think along the lines of what CDPR did w/ their first 2 Witcher games) update, then tie up loose ends (e.g., the Quarian ark thing, then throw in more missions, preferably exploratory ones, etc.).
edit: and, yes, I know...probably not gonna happen, because EA. It would be great PR for their next game, tho' ('cause, right now, no way I'm touching Anthem, esp. since they might just drop support soon after launch...that and nothing they've shown was really 'exciting'/interesting)

I mean, I spent on their product, so I'd rather they improve it (and why, more than the game itself, their move to end support for single-player was very disappointing). :)

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@smashthestars: it was seemingly rushed out to launch, then they dropped support for it (at least single-player; so no story DLC incoming, as far as we know) shortly after.
A lot people 'memed' the poor facial animations (which weren't really fixed; and some of the cosmetic changes they made via patches made some characters look worse, IMHO), and I think the game suffered early on because of that, in terms of 'word of mouth'/reception.

I enjoyed most of it, but, at the same time, am disappointed. Andromeda had lots of potential.

It's a very pretty game (which has Ansel support, so, yay, cool screenshots), and driving was fun, and combat's probably the best the series has had, but the story and its delivery was lacking (the concluding hour or so was quite disappointing). They also failed to capitalize on the whole 'new galaxy' setting: it felt too much like 'typical Mass Effect', instead of having any sort of exploration. The diversity of the aliens & enemies you meet isn't great, too.

Just lower expectations in terms of story & setting, and enjoy the scenery/visuals (just don't mind the animations) & gameplay/mechanics. It's still worth playing through, IMHO.

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ME3 was good, for the most part (lots of cliches and whatnot, but it was fun), but the last hour or so of the game was quite Bad. It felt rushed, and to have all those choices over the years lead to a 'here, pick one of these 3 options (or shoot the star child lol)' situation felt cheap. I didn't bother w/ the DLC (although I should apparently check out the Citadel one as it's supposedly good/great).

Andromeda I enjoyed, for the most part, but it, too, felt rushed. That feeling was there early on from a number of bugs (I think the patches actually made performance worse), and grew worse from the middle of the game onward. The ending was lackluster, and probably the weakest in the series, but not as 'bad' as ME3, because that one had to end a trilogy.
I did really enjoy the driving and environments for most of the game, tho'. And taking screenshots via Ansel was nice for a short while.

I'm not excited about Anthem (it looks pretty, but the gameplay doesn't look interesting, and I already play Warframe, anyway).
Future ME? I dunno. Maybe I'd be interested if they went back and improved/fixed Andromeda and added more content to it (e.g., something like the Enhanced Editions CD Projekt RED made for the first two Witcher games)...but that kind of fix/improvement is something I've been wanting for various Bioware products over the years, but never came about (e.g., I wanted an Enhanced Edition fix for Dragon Age 2, ME3. Maybe Inquisition, but I dunno...that one didn't end well, either, but it wasn't 'bad' enough...I guess, after DA2, I just feel apathy toward that series, and I guess that extends to the ME series now).
Oh well. I'd give 'em another chance, tho', if they fixed/improved their previous titles. Andromeda had so much potential, too.

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BR could work for GR Wildlands. I was surprised at how engaging & tense that game's multiplayer mode could get. Plus the open world's already there, and vehicles. I guess the drones/gadgets could be their gimmick.

Someone already pointed out the survival mode for the Division. It's not quite as 'battle royale' as the other more dedicated BR games, but it was pretty good. I do agree that it should've been available as a separate/stand-alone mode (heck, or even as a free stand-alone mode, w/ stuff locked behind the paywall of actually buying the game).

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@MJ12-Conspiracy: the book/audiobook was better. If anything, reading/listening to 'Inferno Squad' made watching the BF2 campaign a very disappointing experience...probably would've been better if I hadn't. lol

It wasn't just that the story was so-so or the 'twist'/'turning point' was predictable and cliche, it was also, mostly, because it all felt 'rushed'. There wasn't enough time given to let the characters develop better. Could've used maybe twice the amount of time they were given.
And, yeah, there wasn't more background stuff given re: the galaxy at large (an issue I had w/ TFA, and part of why I like Rogue One a lot better).

Still, unless Disney says otherwise, I guess BF2's campaign is now part of the 'new canon'.

I would've bought the game, too, had the campaign been Great (and only after they've resolved the whole loot box-based pay-to-(maybe)win progression...which they haven't, as the recent halt is only temporary).
After watching it...I doubt it. There's apparently story DLC in the future? So maybe if that improves the campaign considerably, then I may reconsider.

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@Rob27shred: EA getting buried won't be happening anytime soon. As one Forbes writer noted, EA stocks are up ~46% this year.
And even w/ all the backlash, most gamers don't even read up/watch gaming news and are probably unaware of this controversy (and some are even defending the practice w/ lines like 'it's optional'/'you can earn it in game'/etc.), so they'll still probably consider getting the game.
And even if all of those ~680k reddit downvotes translate to lost sales, EA will still rake in tons and tons of cash. Because it's a 'triple A' shooter from a big name, w/ lots of marketing behind it. Oh. And it's a STAR WARS game, when Star Wars is, again, in the general consciousness ('cause the movies will now be an annual thing 'til the end of days, apparently).

I do hope the backlash does temper their greed, and they turn away from ever again trying to push out a standard priced game w/ Pay-To-Win microtransactions, but I'm not optimistic. You know they'll keep trying, until they find a 'sweet spot' that gamers will find tolerable...then they'll try to push the boundaries, again.

If anything, all this press will probably just act as more marketing for the game (and the games media will keep on focusing on this topic, while perhaps not being overly critical, as it will generate a lot of clicks).
I kinda agree w/ the notion that maybe giving better games, esp. those that aren't 'triple A', more attention will be for the better. /shrugs

Other than respectfully speaking out ('cause death threats and the like don't help), informing other gamers AND boycotting products w/ practices like this, there's not much else we can do. Unless there's enough of a dent to their profits, things won't change.

The sad part in all this is that their games aren't generally bad. Rushed out, sure, but not bad. And, no, most of their releases aren't 'bought': DICE, Bioware, etc. are all part of EA, so they're basically EA-made games.
(check the wiki entry for EA for extra sadness under the owned studios list...then the defunct studios list)

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@zoom: didn't watch TFA in the theatre. Was still annoyed about the whole Exp.Univ. thing, then. Saw it on Cable TV, thought it was 'ok' (felt it could've used another hour or so).

Was excited about Rogue One, saw it in the theatre: loved it (well, except that I had to watch it in 3D. I thought it would be 2D, but apparently they fixed their 3D thingy...oh well). IMHO, it's now my 2nd fav. SW film after Empire.

This upcoming one? I dunno. I am kinda getting over the whole Exp.Univ. thing (bought my first Star Wars book+audiobook, Inferno Squad, in ages), but I'm more excited about Battlefront 2's story than The Last Jedi's (but I only care about BF2's single-player campaign, so unless they sell that separately, I probably won't buy it 'til it's way cheaper...or just watch it on Youtube).

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@darthrevenx: i hope the 'next gen' of consoles come w/ full KB+M support AND actual Keyboards & Mice packaged in the box.
They don't have to be $100 KBs & $100 mice...even the cheap ones will do fine (Logitech's cheaper KB+Ms last a while. Sure, you may not get the best feedback or access to a lot of options, but they work).
I guess I can also hope that the 'next gen' will also be more 'open', as I think devs consider the porting & certification processes are a considerable barrier, esp. in terms of resources.
It'd be nice if there'd be more cross-play between the various consoles & PC, if anything that should help more niche multiplayer titles last longer as they'll, hopefully, be available to a wider audience.

...maybe then we'd see more RTS (if they're easier to port, plus the consoles have KB+M support+peripherals from the get-go, then chances are there's a potentially wider audience than just PC-only, so maybe more devs would risk making 'em).

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does the game ever account for armour worn?
I always found it weird when pistol calibre rounds killed w/ shots through the helmet. (or, say, the GIGN face shield, which I think should be rated for pistol calibres)
Or, well, the damage values for various weapons in general (e.g., a small pistol doing more damage per round than a 5.56mm or 7.62mm rifle round)

The hitbox change is a welcome improvement, in any case. :)