Rondo of swords is fun be is way to damn hard its like ff tactics with 3 times the enimies i just think its to hard but fun.
i hate though call of duty 4 ds, godzilla double smash, and dynasty warrios ds(the worst one there) esspecially dynasty warrioirs ds dont even look at it
i just watched the offical movie for the world ends with you and im kinda angry on why they changed the music i played the import from japan i love the music the music in the video was rap. the game takes place in toykyo the last kind of music when i hear about toykyo is rap. what were they thinking. please post what you think but dont wright and thing to harsh.
what about just any kind of mmorpg on the ds that would be pretty cool i heard somthing about maple story ds im not that exited but maybie a killer 7 ds or half life 1. i would buy half life 1 for ds for 60$
it seems when i play RE4 you know the part where ur in the castle..... im there and im stuck there but the part after you kill that thing in the prison well acully when ever theres alot of "zombies to kill, and there surrounding you it feels like my brain is hurting and alot of tension. has this ever happend to you, this is the reason when i die in that game i cant do it again. weird....
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