gr1ndgr1nd's forum posts
SNES no doubt...chek it:Chrono Trigger,FF3,Zelda Link to the past,Secret of Mana,Earthbound,Terranigma...anybody never will surpass it:)
Do you need to play all the Ys games in order to understand the story? I have never played them but hear good things about them. Also they now have in the PSN the first two Ys games in one collection download. I was thinking about downloading them, but never played any in the past. Want to know what people think.i played only in psp versions-The Ark of Napishtim,Seven and Oath in Felghana...all this games tell story of adventures Adol and his friend Dogi...i think u don't need play all Ys games in a chronological order(in Oath you can read prologe about this guys)[QUOTE="gr1ndgr1nd"]
FF 7 CC,Dissidia,Ys Oath in Felghana-brilliant...
FFXIII ? c'mon...that was not so bad...situation with this like "bad phone"-someone (so many gamers even not bought XIII:)) talk about ,how horrible this game,another one decide-oh..that's cool-SE bad,bad guys...and another,another... i think SE try bring somethig new ,changes in FF ser....that was not good experiment,but and not so bad...SE simply forgot- rpg gamers-most conservative(sometimes silly:)) gamers...
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