I really liked that episode! Being a video gamer and later a soldier, I have to say that my counter strike skills did not help me when it came to shooting an actual rifle.
No, stay Johnny! You don't have to plaster the worst comments all over feedbackula to attack an issue or stance. This episode was great, and I would love to see more like it.
And here I thought the Alexis learned how to shoot accurately from the military. I didn't know my Bioshock Infinite skills had real world applications...
@olegavi323 @granola_goodnes seriously? he tried to imply that the men are the ones who spend money on the hardcore gaming hardware and the girls only play mobile games. why else bring it up? if not to dismiss the fact that they make up 48% of the gaming population?
@kouji03 @granola_goodnes @olegavi323 How many games have you played where you were a male main character? How many games did you play were you could be a female? Let me guess which kinda game you played WAY more of: male leads.
This in no way means all games need to be about women, but when you think like a handful is enough to represent half the gamer pop. then there is a problem.
there is a difference between being seen as good or evil and being seen as capable or incompetent. Unfortunately, women are usually regulated to the incompetent role of just being stupid having a guy save them.
@kouji03 @granola_goodnes @olegavi323 What do guys have to complain about? We are doing all the killing, looting sloving, saving, building, villanry, superpowered mayhem, and in a lot of games females are stuck just getting in trouble and being saved. stereo-typically of course
granola_goodnes' comments