I bought the game about a week ago. I'm still in the process of completing through the campaign for the first time. It was a bad mistake thinking that I should try out the on-line mutiplayer. I got owned in every which way possible.Starting upinto a death match room...I must have gotten only about 4 kills out the five matches I played. Then I said to myself "F" this. I think I'm going to wait until I beat the game on hard b4 I try on-line again. How embarrassing.
Don't feel that bad about it. I've played online a couple of times, longest I lasted was about 6 mins, go banana! :oops:
Really? I heard it was because a polar bear attacked one of the programmers sending him to the ER. He was the guy incharge of putting the finishing touches on the game. Get soon soon Freddy, you are the wing beneath our wings.
I'm very hapy with my PS3, but, the one thing I hate about the PS3 is that it collects dust really fast. Sony should make a partnership with the Swiffer people and include one in the PS3 box. It collects dust like a mother.
Last time I checked, Sony, MS or Nintendo WERE NOT making GTA4. You can only blame Rockstar for delaying it. If all else fails, blame Canada, we can handle it :P
Gears of War was a new IP, on a system that was out for almost a year, it sold some copies ;)
Lets face it, every system this holiday season has some great games for it. No matter if you own a Wii, PS3 or 360, you have something to look forward to. Just remember, you have to save up money to buy gifts for other people :D
I own both systems. I'm a whore for Mario Kart and Mario (insert name of sport here). After trying Wii sports at a friends place I just had to get one. I also think they compliment each other really well. The PS3 for you hardcore, fancy graphics, the Wii for those fun silly games
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