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Thoughts on the potential for The Division


Yes, Watch Dogs has me excited for a new game since well, since Arkham City, but a lot of games in the meantime, have been entertaining: Tomb Raider, Dishonored - bah, I haven't posted since '10 so, A LOT of games have come out...but The Division has me pretty interested. The online aspect of it has me a bit hesitant, well, since what if you can't find anyone, the lag, the shitty players, the greed for experience, etc. but, the idea is very exciting. The new Bungie game seems similar, so I think most games are now going to be like MAG, but what if like MAG and Confrontation, or hell, APB, it falls flat?

But that did not stop me from coming up with a few ideas for this game, or future games like it:

The world should be ever changing, it is always online, so there is no reason that the city itself should not be like it is almost alive. New people to help, new items in banks, vaults, pawn shops, etc, or in side streets, since "other players" were there, and probably died -a la Dead Souls- then why not here too, also the idea where on Bulletin boards/info in the Police Dept. or diff. locations in the city, it will tell the player of possible trouble, sniper hold outs, or even "player" gangs in certain areas of the city, sort of like, GTA4, where, you'll go into a area of the city, and there could be a sniper on some rooftop, but here with intel (that other players leave behind -or even put to then be an ambush or misinformation....) and the like, it could warn you, and then you have a Hurt Locker moment, in how to take that person, or persons -team- down. Endless possibilites as I see it.

I could very much see this game being like Guild Wars 2, Warcraft or other big rpg games with endless missions and encounters. The leveling up is going to be interesting, since well, personally I don't care for leveling up -like in Borderlands- but more the cool encounters, gameplay and just fun factor -Ghost Recon aspect- but other gamers seem to only care about, the balance is going to be tricky. Also, such games need some type of world reward in itself. You saved some people or better, reached a cool objective where other players were fighting to take over, or better yet, saved another team which was being over run by "enemy" teams. Think it, live back up for real players. They can send a distress signal, need backup, etc. and the closest team can try coming into that fight, but so too, can another "anti-team" endless firefight? hm...still, sounds neat. This has too many actual, real world, "military training" in my op, for it just being a game, but well, I still see it as pretty neat, even if I am against the MIC of everything in our society now.... But for multiplayer, or campaign, or however this game is going to work out, I would love that feeling of actually going in with your team of three, and trying to take on another tactical team... you die, and well, have to wait for the outcome of the battle, with your two left teammates, just like in Execution in Gears or uncharted 2, or can give intel to those players via they sacrificing exp. or stats or something along those lines. and then the winning team gets higher notoriety or rep, or a new item to choose from, or the downed players equipment..etc. Also, would be neat if game modes where, like Full Spectrum Warrior, you go from one place to the next but your gear is diminishing, less ammo, less grenades etc, so make it more intense, watch your shots, less damage, etc. just more "tactical"/"real"...

Also, the idea is that a total black out occured, well a virus spread, and then black out, so my point being why not then have teams where they are like in I Am Legend, trying to find a cure, the way it spread, different objectives, stuff that has "in world" ramifications. I just saw World War Z and well, it had a very game feel to it, a bit lame in parts, but over-all "holy shit" through out. So, what is the objective of this game? To solve the disease, the black out, the anarchy, what? So it'd be neat to slowly as the game progresses, more players take sides, take tasks, etc, the developers adapt the game to play how the players have taken the game. Heroes or or just keep f-ing things up....THAT idea is grand. won't happen, but think of the creation for new gaming this can imply....the creators just need to create the template, ie pen and paper rules, the players execute the rules...and so a different experience every time...for different players, skills, and too all out shoot outs!...heh...The end result can not be just, another fps or 3rd ps, run and gun and onto the next yellow objective, but what if a more damn that fire fight was intense...can't believe you took on three guys on your own...or such... moments to make a match yeah, I need to look at the gameplay trailer, have to refresh all the cool ideas that came after I saw it...

Kinect and sign language! Now I see its potential!

Yes, the initial games seem lame and half-assed, but if it does recognize sign language and lips and possible eye movement, damn, for all the physically impaired players out there, whether on wheel chairs, down-syndrome, or what-have you, then WOW! finally!

Most say that Kinect was to rival the Wii, and now Move, but no, this could possibly be in a realm of its own; ie even out do the Wii and Move! Those games still interact and utilize motion and full body capability (or torso anyhow) but with Kinect, if, IF, it does live up to its claim, then the possibilities are in itself pretty endless. For hardcore gamers, coming to mean, give me the contoller in my hand, with buttons and sticks, then most current, and possible over-all, games for Kinect won't be enough, but for these other players, that have so far been left out, well, then for them this can be their way to socialize, meet new players, stimulate their inner adventure and just feel connected without the actual "physical" ability. Sign language can be used to talk and text to each other in maybe even controller games! Think it, if they can adapt the camera to read the body but still play the actual game, then deaf players can "hear" other players and talk to them as they play, either via parties or PSN Home-like text screens. Man, yes, this can definitely be the start to something beyong motiongaming!

Now I say for Microsoft to create capability to have picture within picture with Kinect, or better, half screen without being in the same room, and people can play, talk, see eachother and wow, yes, I am actually psyched for Kinect now, simply for these possible new players and gamers. So their games will, for the time being, be, well, mediocre, but given time, I can see Machinirum, Limbo, Braid, and such to come to Kinect. Why not! Microsoft needs to dig in a little, spend the money to bring these games to Kinect and yes, I can see Wii-like sales for Kinect by next year... Bring the games and quality and the gamers will follow -hardcore and casual, and possibly (fingers-crossed), physically impaired. Anyway, this is my optimist side coming out, and for them, well, I'll put my thoughts and risk ridicule...for they need something and Kinect can possibly be it.

fps:fate's end?

So the new CoD game is declared, Black Ops, which is a pretty cool idea -wow, didn't see that coming! but from Treyarch, yeah, that I didn't see. but the trailer actually looked pretty intense...a bit too fast and chaotic, but I'm actually hoping that that just shows what Treyarch wants to do with the game: a bit more Heart of Darkness, Apocalypse Now, than Platoon, because I'm getting tired of the whole war is noble and we're here to do in Uncharted 2, at the end Nick takes him down, but what does he tell him:"how many have you killed just to get here? you're no different!" sure 'nuff.... so yeah, I'd love to have Black Ops be what Bad Company 2 has introduced: the idea of a good squad based story, game, and focus. Modern Warfare kind of brought that in with it's Soap and Ghost and them, Tier 5 i think they were called, but Black Ops can run with it. Take the game on Ops, not a ruthless killer or organization being hunted down, but just ops, that can go a number of ways, depending on how you play it...sure that won't happen, but since playing Mass Effect 2, I'm just itching for aFPS to try it's hand at that depth...maybe Sniper:Ghost Warrior will!

another note: multiplayer, I think too, has met its test since like someone said before, sure it was all along just shoot the next guy and win, but now it's all shoot the next guy, get points, increase some silly perk etc, well, it has a total rpg, stat, rts aspect to it that just takes from playing and enjoying a quick shoot out! maybe a new mode has to be created: old school fps! just a gun, a second gun, maybe a grenade or claymore and go into battle, but well, just too much menu load outs... yeah, that's me crying....

I AM just playingBC 2 and can't stop! one mission goes into the next and I just don't want to stop! with mw 2 I played the first mission and haven't even gone back; I did some spec ops but that too haven't really gotten into...I don't think it's an intentional hate, or nostalgia for mw 1, but dunno, just not as enjoying it as I did with bc 2, but then again, I didn't really enjoy bc 1 so, there ya go...

Just Cause 2 was fun, it's what Mercenaries 2 should have been, but that too i think has met it's limit, two missions down and I'm pretty much over it.

I was thinking of Tomb Raider, and I heard that it might look more like Uncharted than the old Tomb Raider, and I'm fu*&in glad! It's about time. It needs a new overhaul. Elena and Chloe pretty much proved that games can have both sexy and caring and ass-kicking female leads and not be all cartoon big boobs, eyes and bodies really... take Tomb Raider to a more "realistic" third person, platformer and I thinkit can really have a come back... more shoot out than puzzle though...

As a side note: I own both 360 and ps3, but since Sony did their little linux block, I pretty much don't use my ps3...I only went online for MW1 and Uncharted 2, but yeah, nah. I even unsuscribed to the psn mail list, sorry, but taking something that yeah, I didn't use but had no intention of ill using, was just wrong in my opinion... I hated updates before, but now, I'm thinking of making myself be done with online dependence... I always felt updates should be optional, not mandatory, if it adds gameplay improvement then yeah sure, mandatory, but console improvement, or in this case, suspicious take aways (sorry but you'd have to be an idiot to believe that it was for security reasons! 1: it was primarily to disable blue ray copying and unlicensed video streaming, so for gaming it had nothing! Being a conspiracy nut, I call that it has nothing to do with gaming-well maybe a little- but more to do with future updates, possibly tie in with the motion sensor, etc... It's for down the line things, not gaming.... I'll give Sony this, they learned from the ps2 and hopefully, that's why they went all 'aghast' on this one; but it made menone too happy...and so I'm trying hard to boycott them and these shenanigans gaming companies are suddenly going is all about money, but if it's my money they want, then 'here ya go, gimme what I paid for, else give me back one hundred dollars that now I'm losing. thanks, now we can do business....) then no, it should be the users' decision based on use and intent to implement. i.e. the photo editor, haven't touched it, but it is on my ps3, so do I care? not really, it's there but can't do anything about it, so...anyway, rant aside, I still love gaming, and until my 360 goes the route of my ps3, I'll still enjoy gears, lost planet 2 and mw/bc...

as another side note: I played Bayonetta on both the 360 and ps3 and well, let's just say it was a better experience on my 360. The loading screens take forever on the ps3 -it was ona friend's slim- and the witch time was totally different...if you've played them, you know what I'm talking about...huff, sheesh, it's sunny out, I should be happy; fine, fine, I haven't posted for ages, so I won't again until Arkham Asylum 2 comes out! hah!...

Once again

dang, not since April have I looked into this...heh...

Anyway, finally playing Arkham Asylum and gotta say, man, can't stop playing! just can't! 4 hours yesterday just trying to go from scarecrow to bane! and then the challenge rooms! ugh. what's 'mind your head'! can't figure it out!

But yeah, it definitely proves that the single player campaign, games, stories are not dead! no sirree, this game is just too fun....BUT! every game has it's flaws...and AA is no we go:

1. as you're about to get attacked, yeah, you can press Y, but if you're in mid animation for a takedown hit or combo, sorry gonna get hit...if you're already on a takedown hit, no way to get out of the animation. no jump out, attack, nothing... I can understand that, but at least have the animation to stop and do a ground attack if press Y as you're about to get hit... which you will, since they wait for you to go for that immidiate takedown, also, the corner crouch sucks. what's the point... you press A as you're rounding a corner, because A happens to be jump and sprint! and nope, no sprinting around the corner, instead you take to the corner crouch! WTF! ugh... another, he just moves to slow...I understand the sprint, but why just move like a tank? why? ugh.

anyway, that aside, yeah, I love's me some arkham asylum. period. just loves! Still playing Gear 2, but yeah, they've changed that game just too much...

now waiting for lost planet 2, assassins 2, and um...oh yeah, bayonetta...yeah, I like's me some leather-clad heroines! what of it?! Anyway, it's already onto '10 and well, '09 is pretty much over... lot of shake ups, hiccups, and wtf!'s, but still we care of quality games and novel, this is a shout out to Mr Tim Schafer! rock it man, Rocktober is yours!

Nah, man, I don't want to look into no cheats for Batman! no, no, no! ...ugh, well, maybe a little... Heh, next post?

Altair's relative giving the ol'shank shank.... It's different, but hopefully still adventurous to feel immersive... ah, being a nerd is grand!

Games of intense interest! and I mean intense!

First off, one of the most exciting mentions, showings and creations, is of course,

Batman: Arkam Asylum! dang, does it look fun and gritty...Eidos? what? no way...serious?... well, maybe...I'll give'em the benefit of....

Dark Void

Bionic Commando

Assassins Creed 2

Modern Warfare 2

and a few as of yet, unkown...

Kingdom of Fire 2 -I'm excited on this one...just get the melee combat down and yeah, it'll be a blast.

Blade and Soul -this one looks to be Korean production, for PC,and probably only in Asia, but if by some fortunate event someone should stumble upon this, please port it to consoles! 360 or PS3 because I love the artist that is the creative director and it just looks sublime! maybe one of the best action, combat, RPG's yet!...Demon's Soul looked to be a good idea, until I saw the combat models and environments! jeez, awful, totally pre-production! looked to be a cross with Kingdom of Fire and Shadow of the Colossus...but nope, only in cut-scenes...anyway,

Blade and Soul, come on baby!

Gears of war 2 mention: yeap, the bot ai idea was awful and lame. easy kills and just annoying as hell in wingman!...the new level up system is ridiculous too...of course ADD and CDD gamers are in awe of this, but nope, to me it just took the idea of level and "play-skill" right out...level 30 could beas lame in gameplay as a level 2! so, no point in being either! ridiculous....but it's all forhow they have the matchmaking methodology and stats tracking, so for Epic it's ideal....whatever...I still play it religiously though...heh...I'm a sheep, what can I say...

Played Wanted: WOF...ok, game, it could have been better if you could play as Arana, and better still if they had a wave mode, where you just go at it in "arenas" -like Punisher for Xbox did- to see how long you can survive or reach a score...just using bullet curve and Y chaining.... Ideal "arenas" would have been the alleys of Paris, the Chicago courtyard, the meatpack training area, etc...I mean, come on, how could Pete Wanat not come up with this? how? It Would have made Wanted way replayable and just addictive...bullet curve after bullet curve, hah, true fun!....

forum post, hilarity and genius ensues:

this post was by l33isb345t, /pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=26809792&page=0

and well, the replies are utter gamer genius!..

Ihope it strings for endlessness and infitinium! Oh, what was the query? bah, really? ok, 'what have video games taught you?'...that simple. read posts, good time waste.

Anyway, Res 5 is out and man, did I play that demo at least 45 times if not more! hah, now onto the game!

Gears has announced a new dlc and update...the bots idea is an easy out, that will only give the other team easy kills and points to level up, but it might lend to distract as well for you to take that human bot down..we'll see how it pans out in the real world, since Epic seems to only test in one room party...anyway, blah...

I was excited for 09, now I'm just too tentative: what with all the game layoffs, studio closures and economics in it greed in people that has others to then suffer -see madoff- or credit cycle in general? Buy now, pay later...'oh, hell yeah, pay later! with your life, suckers!' ugh. we'll see.

Gears of War 2 gripe! yes, I have to!

Yes, yes gow2 MP is fun, but only so far as you are in a game party, have no lag, and play with people that back you up, and not go hide waiting to die....This isn't the place to whine about this I know, but I just gotta...I've played games with no lag and can hold my own, then played games with one sec to total lag and well, I'm just gnasher fodder! blahhh!

Anyway, instead of Epic fixing the cheat bugs they should have tried to change the lobby, which I know after release is pretty much impossible, but that I just really find annoying to the point I don't have fun playing gears, I'm always worried for the next game that is gonna lag or waiting infinity for a new game, that will have 2 people lag out or worse just leave! ugh...anyway, bored so I had to whine....

RE5 demo...nice!

Tried the demo this past week and man, was it little kid joyous in loading to screen...I jumped right into co-op and dang didn't I die as the big lug took a swing of his big hammer/axe! well, my partner sure wasn't too happy... It definitely makes you run more for your money, and the difficulty sure is more intense than I remember re4 to are fluid, some oddities here and there, like pressing x and then picking up stuff rather than wacking a guy, but yeah, capcom are going to bank in this quarter with re5 and sf 4...and good too.

Problems I forsee is that if you're way into a level and your partner decides to cut out, or gets lagged out, then all that you worked for, gone!. oh, no! unless there are checkpoints now, then all's good, I said nothing...also, if you offer to give your partner ammo it has to be all in one go, not 10 or 15 but if you've got 30, then there goes all your ammo! ugh! also, the thumpad is good for primary, secondary, medicine, but the right is for ammo? why? why not organize the inventory to your liking a la re4? nope, it does it for ya.

It's cool, you can order sheva to attack or cover, and you can even thank her! if she gives you something and you hold/press B. neat.

Anyway, I probably won't get this on release, I'll still be on Killzone 2, but sure enough come April or sometime then...I'm just as excited as everyone else, I'm sure. I just hope there are enough twists and levels as in RE4 where you thought you were about to finish the game, aw no, and then, blam, you're riding a mine car! press those buttons boy/girl, xy, lb rb on xbox, and you know what for, fun, fun....

New blood into NFS series?....interested so far...

Neat exclusive interviews, I like Gamespot...nice. The idea of a new NFS take on the series is needed and appreciated. By far, I feel to be the only person to love Prostreet above all other NFS titles, but whatever. The title of the new take, Shift, is a little too GRID for me. I mean come on. What's next, CLutch? Anyway, I like the camera idea of in seat mode, Midnight la had something similar and I think it's about time. This sounds to me like a step up from Prosteet so, I fear, most NFS fans again will be disappointed, but...I love GRID, FORZA, now Race Pro, and can't wait for Shift...yes...hopefully they'll just improve on the Prostreet physics and race modes...keep Speed!!! The online mmo of racing is all new to me, but Race Pro might tap into that, it's weird, but didn't I ask about that in my NFS Rivals post? heh, I know, I know...onto my RES 5 post.

Crap on Crap...'09 is seeming scary now...

I'm just a worker so for the entrepeneur these times are definitely scary I'd say....this is shutting down, that is going, I remember a couple of years back working in one part of the city and going back a couple of years later and so much had changed...and that is exactly what's going on now...old business' are going away and by this time next or later this year, similar ones will be growing or....

but yeah, all I think about is gaming -when I wake up it's gaming, during work it's gaming, even dream it sometimes, but there are bigger things and more important things...but honestly, I'd rather get lost in a Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect world than see what's on the news....hmm,

in other news, Killzone 2 is coming out and that is my new Gears! I haven't wanted a game like this since MGS 4 was being shown on gametrailers! One month away baby! and the next, Biohazard 5! yeah, I said Biohazard, for all you in the west -like me of course :_)- it's Resident Evil! oh, boy, co-op online is gonna rock! I LOVE YOU CAPCOM!

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