@MKFighter19 dude, Tekken does NOT have better fighters than Street Fighter. Ryu is the best fighting game character of all time and pretty much every character in SFIV and SSFIV is a blast to use (though me and my friends all still hate it when we get stuck with Rufus on random select). Even the characters who aren't awesome can be hilarious, like Dan (or even Rufus, that belly of his is almost hypnotic)
But let's not get ahead of ourselves, SFvsMK is the early 90s dream, but Street Fighter X Tekken is still pretty freaking cool. It's just more like, 1992 vs. 1998 or something.
@JOKER677 Ultra Combos are basically the SF Fatality equivalent... though they're not nearly as useless because they can actually affect the outcome of a round and not simply make the victory pose more interesting (fatalities have always been glorified victory poses, you've already won the round if you are given the chance to perform one). I think if they did the first ever M rated Street Fighter game and upped the ante on the Ultra combos it could be pretty crazy. Can you imagine how much Ryu's Shinshoryu-Hadoken would burn a guy if Street Fighter operated in a realm in which fire was actually deadly? And M Rated Blanka! I mean, my god!
Wii is the most affordable system! and you get motion controls., so it's also the most fun! And nintendo games are god's gift, so all of the best designed games are on wii! ....or, wii is ten bucks less than the cheapest 360 and has a million peripherals that are more expensive than standard controllers when you add it all up- that extra money you spend goes into overrated motion controls that don't work very well AND make you look like kind of a jackass while you're playing. and as far as the best games- you get mario, mario kart, zelda and smash brothers...all good games, all child's play compared to any of the fourth installments of Metal Gear, Call of Duty or GTA. All of these games have next gen graphics, but more importantly NEXT GEN GAMEPLAY (meaning game design that is at a level of polish that we have come to expect in the last two years)- even the best wii games i've played have come off like slightly polished versions of gamecube games. i haven't been impressed by a single title
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