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greyfox6662912 Blog

Yazoo and Loz

I like it, by the way, if anyone wants these dang wallpapers, i could send you the links to the full sized ones, same quality if not better...

New Sig


I made this new sig, i like it. I started used the name in one of my lil online worthless games, but it kinda stuck when i used it other places so, my greyfox666 days are over. Anyway, since Advent Children is coming out soon i couldn't help being guilty for not using a FF7 related sig name

In other news, uhh, i got the ultimate edition of FF7: AC from Japan, i know it wont have subtitles, but ill survive, and yes i have the special region 2 dvd player so it will work, i think the hat, key chain, t-shirt, cloud figure, special dvd's and more make up for the trouble i went through to get it.

peace out fellow gamers

MORPHEUS Productions, the beggining...

Okay, heres a little bit of info on what will be involved in this flash series. First off, we're going to use Macromedia Flash MX, and some Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe LiveMotion, we may change this depending on the results we get after some experimenting.


Leader: Solid Snake (MGS)

Second in Command: Dante (DMC)

generals: Squall (FF8) -Samanoske (ONIMUSHA)- Auron (FF10)- Dingo (ZOE2)

mercenary: Cloud (FF7)

Asassin: Gray Fox (MGS)

Armies: GRU soldiers, SOCOM marines, Helghast, Syphers, Collosi (SotC not out yet)

Guest apperances: Sora, Donald and Goofy, Raiden, Vergil, Sir Dan (midevil), Sub Zero, Jin (tekken), True Ogre and Yojimbo, Crash Bandicoot, Anubis (ZOE2), Alucard, Richter Belmont, Shinobi ninja, Kratos, Nightmare (SOULC), GTA III guy, (incomplete list)


Leader: Master Chief

Second in Command: Gordon Freeman

generals: Ryu (Ninja Gaiden)- Arbitor (HALO2)- Carth (KotOR)- Zack (DOA3)

mercenary: Hayabusa (DOA3)

Assasin: Sam Fisher (SC, also comic relief)

Armies: Combine, Covonent/Flood, Call of Duty Nazis (maybe)

Guest appearances: DOOM 3 marine, Tina, Hitomi, Le Fang, Christie, Kazumi, Crab Heads (HL2), Max Payne, Astroth (SOULC), Kortana, San Andreas guy, (incomplete list)

MORPHEUS Productions

Me and some of my friends decided it would be a good idea to make a flash series of a war between Sony and Microsoft, we already are in the development stages, My one friend and I are already aquianted with flash, but now we gotta get partner #3 in the game, or else it will take forever. We have the major story plots and some smaller episodes figured out, now all we have to do is actually create the character models and the motions they will have genericaly, and when things get heated in battle, I can't wait to start putting this together! Just because im bored and I think no one will notice this for a while because no one ever comments on my stuff, but thats a good thing! I'll pu the main characters and some pics up later on, but no story, wouldn't want to ruin my project!
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