I have been playing this game for a while now and I still suck. At first I thought I just had to get used to the game, but I was wrong. I'm horrible at it. On average I get 2 kills per game. I would like to hear your suggestions for awesome characters to buy. I usually play offensive and I don't like support characters a lot. My friend suggested Renekton so I'll probably try him out. I would also like some tips on how to play better. Thanks.
I've tried co op but the people I get stuck with take all the good stuff before I can. Also I can't play with my friends because they play CoD all day like losers.
I'm not very far in this game and I'm not very good either, but I love it. I'm wondering if one of you high level players can give me a good gun that they aren't using or duplicate one of your guns. I really don't have anything to offer, so I understand if you don't want to. My psn id is grifman1. Tell me if you wanna help. Anything is good really, I'm only level 16.
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