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grim_reapez Blog

Drums- Check, guitar- check, Xbox live headset- Check.

so i decided to get rock band but just the drum kit because i already have a guitar and you can use the headset as a microphone so what was the point in forking out for the extra stuff.

Its great..Really great. Even by yourself its a whole of fun...Granted its alot better even with one more person but still its most awesome in solo aswell especially the drum kit. Ive mainly been using the drum kit, i tried the guitar solo career but i found it to be a little too easy but still good. Havent tried the vocals because well...My family have been around and i dont want to totally embarass myself.

Nearly everything about rock band is better than GH, Even the intro kicks Arse. My only complaint is to do with the Guitar fret board thing...Its just to darn hard to see hammer-ons and also sometimes i find it hard to distinguish held down notes if the note only lasts for a few seconds. But there is one feature that is brilliant about the fret board and its something simple...The fact you can see how many stars you going to get, I really like this addition because if im trying to beat my score and im not going to get that extra star or something i can restart quickly instead of having to wait to the end of the song.

So overall a fantastic game. Also, I downloaded My sherona and totally recommend it to anyone with a few spare points, its a bloody fun song.

Damn you 360!

It had to happen. My first problem with my 360 and its only about 2 months old....

I was happily playing Gears of war (Its alright not amazing but alright.) when all of a sudden i heard a horrible noise coming from the disc drive then a few minutes later the message "Unreadable disc" popped up and well..There it was a circular scratch on my disc. It was in a vertical position which i now believe was the problem, No, I didnt move it, jolt it or tilt it. I just think that having my 360 vertical caused the problem.

I took it to gamestation and had it cleaned. It looks better now but im still really annoyed.

In other happier news, i bought Beautiful Katamari. I loved the ps2 katamari games and cant wait to play this one.


I bought two new games today. Gears (Im a 360 owner...I should at least play it) And condemned (I need to play a scary Game). I Had some vouchers for a shop so i all i had to pay was about a tenner. Looking forward to playing both, Gears wont be as good as everyone says but it still should be good and im totally going to play condemned in the dark- I know im a proper ledgend -

Completed Oblivion. It looks good, plays well, and has a good story. But my pet peeves, repetitivness rears its ugly head again in the shape of combat. The combat is fun at first but then it just becomes very samey and more of a chore than anything but it does its job. Also, i only changed my gear about once and used the silver longsword and Arena Heavy rainment throughout most of the game so yeah...That was a bit of a useless thing- well to me anyway-. Overall an enjoyable adventure easily one of the best RPGs out. 8/9.

Went to see semi-pro aswell highly underated but its not one of ferrels best, One superb scene that still makes me laugh. 5/9

Also seen Walk Hard and its also Underrated. Although there arent any big big laughs like the fight scene in anchorman it is still consistently funny. 6/9

And the awards for the worst ever ending...

Goes to assassins is awful pure and utter rubbish..And well the game hardly saves it either...

Just a bad game...Some cool features like the climbing and stuff but everything else was bad..Really bad.


Went to see Cloverfield that has an awful ending aswell. Too shaky for its own good, hated the characters, very predictable and alot of ideas stolen from other films. Monster looked bad and it was just a bad film


Overrated Creed...Aswell as a few other things.

As you can guess im Currently playing Creed.

Im not that far in but i can already see that this is going to become one repetitive game. Missions are repeated over and over with very little difference. When it comes to combat Repetitve is a huge understatment. I have basically used one move throughout the game, Counter-attack, this usually instantly kills a soldier. Also, since youre health heals WHILST in combat you are basically invunreable as when you lose all your health you go into this semi-dead state where you can just stumble for a few moments and get two health back and there you go.

As shown with prince of persia ubisoft are the best at platforming and they have once again nailed it. Climbing is great and really fun and the living breathing cities are epic but they dont seem all that big since im currently playing Oblivion, and well...Oblivion is just massive seriously..Massive.

Currently its a 4/9

Oh yeah im also playing Oblivion, And well...Its truly Brilliant. No game matches it..Forget Mass Effect..Oblivion is the best RPG out at the moment hands down. Im 12 hours in and i havent even scratched the surface of the story. Everyone should just go and buy it.

As im currently bigging up the size of Oblvion it will seem strange that i say that if i had to say one bad thing about it, and im being really picky, it is the size. Implemented into the game is a system called fast travelling that is a great thing but you can only fast travel to places you have discovered so if you get a mission to go to a random mine and your ages away it may seem like an annoyance getting there. Still, most places are near a major city which you can fast travel too instanly so its not all that bad.

Currently 8.5/9

Completed call of duty 4. Single player isnt very good and really short but i do quite like the mission called "Shock and Awe". But multiplayer totally makes up for it.


Through the fire an..Damn i failed.

Yeah i decided to get it..Its rather awesome. Ive completed Easy mode and im on medium...I really suck on medium i can barely make it through most songs. Mastering the PO and HO are hard enough and they seem to be a vital part so its rather annoying..But ah well practice makes perfect i guess.

Got my Gamertag sorted! (Finally...)

After days of Xbox live telling me i dont exist ive finally got it all sorted...

My Tag is: ZoomyRamen

Xbox live has been having alot of problems recently but despite that my early impressions are that its a fantastic service and when everything is sorted it should be even better.

Quick Review

Halo 3: Really epic game, some fantastic moments. Wraps up the series nicely but it is embarrisingly short. Excellent online service.


Arriving Unfashionably late.

Got my 360! viva pinata, Forza 2, Stranglehold, extra controller, £195. Also a play and charge kit. It was the last 360 and on the way out people gave me some evil looks.

Got a tenner off the conosle aswell because of this.

Portal: 6/9 Great idea but, not as funny as everyone says.

TF2: 8/9 Incredibly good, really fun and addictive but maps are a tad repetitive.

I am Legend Review.

I am legend starring Will Smith has been one of my most anticipated films of 2007, and as the year came to a close could it live up to my expectations...

Well, it does....Nearly.

Lets get this straight im not a huge fan of Will Smith in my mind he will always be the Fresh Prince, also he has a habit of shouting 'Hell No' in everything. Thankfully, He was a Fantastic in Legend pulling out one of his best performances of his career Almost rivaling that of his fresh prince portrayl...Almost. Well thats all i can say for the acting as he is about the only actor in the whole thing. Apart from some woman at the end..She was rubbish....Oh yeah..Mike myers and Eddie murphy were ace as shrek and donkey.

A film involving monsters and horror you would think they would make the monsters look scary...Well they didnt..They are laughable..Literally Laughable. Unscary to a degree unknown..With Transformers Showing that Giant robots that can turn into anything can look life like, you think they could have done a better job with some bald headed 'tards that sound like a cross between the call of an eagle and a dieing cat..But no...They fail on all levels.

New york Look authentic as it is New york..Yup they did a pretty epic thing in closing down..Urmmm..Times square is it? Yeah anyway they closed that down and it looks cool.

Well the story is based on a book so i cant really comment unless i start a book review.....alright then. The story involves a cure for cancer gone wrong, Chaos ensues..Blah blah blah. But..The ending was changed..And the ending and about the 30 minsleading upto it truly ruined the film. Now i havent read the book but my bros have and the ending in the book is easily 1 million times better, Literally. The ending in this is a shambles and Sadly it ruins the whole film.

Overall, Will smith is fantastic. Sadly, The effects and the ending ruin the whole film.


I was wrong about the joker...

Its pretty old i know but i was just watching the Dark Knight trailer again and well...Heath Ledger doesnt seem to be all that bad.

When i heard of his casting I thought "Why?" I was never a big fan of ledger but I have to admit his portrayl of the joker looks really good. The make-up for the joker aswell looks great.

Batman begins was one of the best batman films (My personally Faves are tim burtons, Micheal Keaton is awesome), from the trailer Dark knight looks set to be another amazing Batman film.

Jack Nicholson will always be the best joker though :P