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grim_reapez Blog

WoW and addiction..

What a load of rubbish...Yeah i understand its a very old subject but it still annoys me. People always blaming WoW for addiction its not the game its the person playing that lets themself get addicted. I meanhow the hell could it be the game? Is it tapping into some unknown part of the brain? Is there a little person inside saying play, play, play.

No Its the person. You see loads of people dismissing jack thompson for saying games cause violence (I dont say that games cause violence, once again i think its the person but for the sake of the argument) but if you asked them if wow causes game addiction theyll probably turn around and say yes it does, its basically the same stupid argument. You dont see claims of addiction from people playing Guild wars or Star wars galaxies, if it was the game then surely all mmos would have people addicted all over the place.

Although many parts of the game do require time like raiding and all that it is the persons choice if they want to start raiding, if they decide to play hours and hours for a piece of pixelated gear but then you cant go blaming WoW for that because its all down to peoples choices. Like when those two people were suing mcdese for making them fat, many people laughed that out because it was their choice to eat the food, its all about the persons choices to play the game, they arent forced to play, they arent told "We are going to eat your cookie and steal your cake if you dont play".

I play WoW, I admit it i love it and ill admit ive played far too long sometimes but its been my choice to sneak that extra hour in or continue in the dungeon for an extra 30 minutes. Maybe people think they under pressure to raid because they want the best gear, Well you dont. WoW is fun if you have the best gear or you have standard gear. And with the WotLk coming out next year Raiding is basically a waste of time.

So there you have thats my opinion on the subject, once again its my opinion.

Games dont cause addiction, people do.

What a day for England!!!

First of all the football 3-0...Fantastic result, Looks like we are getting back on form but for the bigger news...

England 14-9 france!!!!!

Im not a big fan of rugby but still this is some result, ill id been hearing was England lose, England cant win but it seems that England have pulled off another massive shock....Again

Ill probably watch the final, Well done England!

In totally different news, my bro gave me a free xbox (original not 360 :( ) and the games are ridiculously cheap so i bought a few and have mainly been playing Conker and will probably start playing Half Life 2 soon. Ive also ordered Doom 3 and fable so im looking forward to those aswell.

My playlist has gone weird, ive not listened to The Beatles for a while and i have opted for a more....English playlist with songs like Vindaloo (Awesome!) And three lions make a regular appearence (Wicked!). Dont ask me why but ive been listening to Lets get ready to rhumble more times than is medically safe. The new Raadiohead album is really good, so ive been listening to their older stuff aswell like Kid A and Ok computer.

Went to see Superbad and i have to say its a great film incredibly funny and well written, Best teen film since american pie.

Anyway see yous laterz!

Pokemon diamond!!!

I finally picked up pokemon diamond!

Its a great game and im really enjoying it. Im currently upto Veilstone. The 3D stuff really helps bring pokemon forward and its a great advancement in the pokemon series. Still, its just not got, like the GBA ones, the edge to beat the original GB ones. I think i have a pretty strong team.

Luxio lvl 24

Geodude lvl 23

Gyrados lvl 24

Staravia lvl 28

Monferno lvl 24

Some random egg...Dont know what it turns in to.

TheSimpsons movie for big screens!


Just got back from watching The Simpsons movie. I have to say without any doubt, it is the funniest film to come along in ages. Its so funny right from the offset. Its the transformers of comedy films.

I thought it was going to be terrible, i just thought it was going to be soom poor adapatation of a stretched out simpsons episode. Butright from the offset you have a few little jokes that make you chuckle and set you in the right mood. begins!From the first five minuted its consistent big laughs. If there isnt a laugh then its building up for a massive laugh. Nearly all the jokes in the film are very no-brainer jokes that arent all that witty but just make you laugh out loud, which is what a comedy should do.

The actual thing looks great and all the characters are brought tothe big screenwonderfully.

On the note of characters there are loads of them, possibly every one from each episode, every little extra miniscule character.There was even a random fishmonger in there from like 2 episodes.

Like transformers, the story is a bit thin. It is there but not a whole lot of it but, hey what do you expect from the simpsons,it is just about the laughs on which it delivers.

Whatseperates a great comedy from a good comedy is the fact that when you walk out of the theatre you can just carry on laughing at nearly all the jokes.Which means the simpsons is one amazing comedy.

As with Transformers it is far too short. which is its only bad point.

Overall: 9

I want dark knight now.

Ow...My finger hurts after clicking submit about a billion times. The website was great and i thank wonderboy_46 for help with the passwords.

As for the trailer, its pretty mint and does well at whats it supposed to...Tease. in a few weeks itll be attached to every film ever well hopefully...Because i want to see it on the big screen 'cos itll look great.


See yous laterz!


Went to see a preview of transformers today...And im sooo glad i did. Its possibly the best movie of the year. Forget HPTOOTP- Yes tom, forget that ugly girl and terrible acting-Die hard, Oceans thirteen...Everything.

I was scared when the movie started, Bay the director of Pearl Harbour, Armeggedon..(Dont think i spelt that right) so you see why i was worried? Anyway, I was a bit reassured by the fact that one of the best young actors was in it, Shia Lebouf who is in even stevens, holes and (the best part of....) I,robot. Then knocked back again by this voice that starts talking about killing and stuff. Thankfully, it jumps straight into action...and carries on from there.

Shia is easily the best part of the film, he is very funny and this film actually makes you laugh rather than you forcing out a terrible forced chuckle (Well...Except when i laughed at how bad the acting was in HP). The robots look brilliant, stunning in fact. The CG is amazing and the first time you seen some awesome transforming you're like...Woot!

On the note of the story...Or well the Lack of. It does seem to be very weak...Bit more thought could of gone into it, but still you dont really think about the story when robots are fighting each other.

Another bad thing is the fact that it goes far too quickly...

Overall: 8/10

On another unrealted point, i havent got the new HP book but im very eager to pick it up as i have heard great things about it! Ive been reading the other 6 books and once you get into them, they are very hard to put down. No spoilers please!

Bye bye.

Sudoku: The puzzle game of the gods.

Recently picked up "More brain training" Just to see what it was like. At first i was a bit bored but it does get alot better and theres a cool little germ thing thats really good.

But, as the blog title suggests their is curently only one thing im playing at the moment, Sudoku. I was bored by it at the beggining but slowly it grew on me and before i could say Sudoku! I was totally hooked.

Also got sonic rush which is a really nice return to sonics great roots, better than all the 3d sonics and in my opion sonic and the secret rings.

Die hard 4 was alright, not as good as the others and the yipikiya line was dreadfully used. the action was good, but it wasnt anything compared to the other 3 and the bad guy Timothy olyphant wasnt as good as alan rickman. The best part of the filmwas justin long and he often had the best lines. overall: 7/10

Sticking to movies...HPOOTP Was terrible. The three main actors were really bad, and you get the feeling they werent picked for the acting skills they posses. The magic battles were stunning especially the big one. The rest of the actors were great, Alan rickman saved the movie for me. Also, ralph fiennes (Cant spell it..) Was brill as voldermort. Gary oldman as always was on top form. Overall: 4/10

E3 Microsoft And DIE HARD...And some other stuff...

Well, after watching the mass effect trailer i can say it looks like its coming along nicely. I love BioWare, its probably my fave game company...( Is that what im Supposed to say?) Or developer or whatever. KotOR Is probably one of my favourite games ever, and im extremely excited about mass effect. Apart from that i didnt find much interest in the rest of the microsoft conference.

I do enjoy my Halo now and then but i just kind of lost interest in Halo 2 and played halo splitscreen with some friends instead, so i opted out of watching the halo 3 trailer. On the note of halo 3 trailers, I have to admit, I was impressed by the stary sky trailer (The one where the two kids are like "Hey timmy, Do you think their is anything out there?", "Sure, Jimmy" *Secretly thinking what an idiot*).

On totally, totally, totally different news, Im off to see Die Hard 4...( :cry: I dont want to call it lameo 4.0...What does it even mean?) Live free or die hard...Its got a cheesy McCheese name, but im looking forward to it. I just hope it is all action, all time and not some movie where its like...Woohoo i Kill bad guy for 5 minutes, then some stupid love story takes over...(E.G Star wars ep 2: Attack of the dreadful movie/story/Anakin actor/Ewan mcgregor). If Die Hard isnt that good i have Shrek The third to look forward to! Gladly, Thats not true andits infact Transformers (Woot for 80's cartoon cash-ins!) I have as a back-up, and If that fails....Then there is the simpsons movie...And well..If thats not great...I dare not think the consequences.

Anyways Bye bye.