it'd be nice if the reviewers got a copy of the game early with a select group of people to review the game before it actually released, like so few gaming companies do anymore.
@Lacerz: most of those games on both consoles are lack luster, bloodbornes the only new ps4 game i've been able to enjoy since I purchased my ps4, ryse was a big let down.
its funny how gamespot uses youtube player to feature igns video of how the helmet came together but when it comes to their videos they have to use their dumbed down video player.
@xcollector: this is really a question that needs to be asked to the sony figure heads, you shouldn't be required to pay a subscription if it isn't using their servers.
don't all video games say in the credits that all models are completely coincidental and not created with the likeness of other people in general? cause I should sue gta for making me that guy you keep running over every time you get in a car otherwise.
grin89's comments