@realguitarhero5 @SuperLegends because you know the reply when sony said they were delivering more value with the ps3 than the 360 with every ps3 having a hd, bluray drive and wifi, was something like thats not needed...how things have changed.
360 had to add all the things it didnt have and ps3 actually removed some things it had lol
@Scorex_VII I think it's a bit ridiculous with all games still coming out for the ps3, its not like the wasteland the 360 has become in tearms of exclusive games.
@DrKill09 @liam72 you only know that after you played on an hdtv until then its perfectly good lol
I only change to hdtv after my old tv broke, and it is much better, but some people like to wait for their current stuff to break before upgrading which is common in many places, not everyone has a big budget. Even tho they're fairly cheap right now so...
@DrKill09 well maybe hddvd was cheaper on your country they sure as hell were not here. 5-10€ diference on the same movie which i thought was ridiculous and never understood why.
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