Five reasons why this is true btw it will be true
1. Everyone thought the Xbox 360 Elite would be an april fools but it was leaked early and shows nothing big in gaming can be kept secret anymore
2. This has happened before with metal gear solid 2
3. PS3 has been losing exclusives for a while VT5 and Ace Combat 6 to name a few
4. Konami has already started to realize it needs to develop on the 360 and is accepting it now.
5. the way the ps3 has been going and microsoft's game centered strategy its no question that its true. the only ps3 good exclusive left is god of war which will never be multiplatform
Enjoy your 10 disk wet dream. Really your points are not weak but childish and have no economical reasoning behind them. You know as much of business as an snail. I bet you already know that PS3 is going to keep stale at its current number right? I bet you think that all the games that are soon to be released wont move the userbase up either.
Why dont you stop your childish thinking and actually THINK before posting.
Why dont you go and look for the numbers of units sold of the now multi platform games? I bet you will really amaze yourself by how bad they were doing even though some of them were great. Why dont you also mention the other franchises that have jumped to the PS3? or is it that you dont care about them since its not PS3 hurting themmed?
OK? so you don't think this is going to happen? how is this chlidish?
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