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groetjesgeertje Blog

long time no blog

hello everyone

I'm sorry I've been so absent lately... I've been really busy.. Last weekend I went on a trip with a group of students.. It was really fun, but I drank too much and slept too little..

and now I'm sick :(

and being sick isn't as great as it used to be in high school, noooo! In high school being sick meant not going, and not missing anything important! But at university they actually say important stuff that you can't really miss :(:( so I'll have to go!

so how has everybody else been lately?

p.s. I'll finish the story some other time, I'm not really in the mood right now.. 

Magical Hamsters

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl, Named Angelica. She grew up in a world of riches and always got what she wanted. She had ponies and beautiful dresses, and everything else. In spite of all this she was still very unhappy. And what she longed for the most was cheese. But not just any cheese; a very expensive provolone. How would Angelica obtain this fine cheese? Maybe I could rob a bank, Angelica thought to herself. (she really wanted that cheese) But planning a bank robbery took just to much time. Time Angelica didn't have. She needed that cheese fast. She was getting extremely hungry. How to get it... Wait... She didn't have to rob a bank! She could steal the cheese from the deli around the corner! Yes, that was much less complicated. So she walked into her closet. She grabbed a couple of black manolo blahniks, a pair of black pants and a black turtleneck sweater from Ralph Lauren. Then she went into her sock drawer and took a pair of Gucci pantyhose. She cut off one leg part and put it over her head. "Now no-one will reconignize me!" she thought to herself. So she had to devise a very cunning plan, to obtain the cheese..

Well Angelica couldnt wait any longer and had to have that cheese, and she had to have it now, so off she went. By time she got there it was closed,so she went around the back and there was a window left open,lucky for me she thought. So she carefully climbed in, it lead to the store room, perfect she thought. After checking out all the shelves there was no CHEESE, dam she thought it must be in the she crept into the kitchen and was stunned to find (see Picture)

Lenny she screamed...Lenny!!!..(he was the love of her life..)

She ripped off the tights from her head and ran to armed..and said..Where is the dam Provolone......He replied that he didn't know.. she screamed! How could he be so unfair! But as soon as her screams died out, someone turned on the lights..... It was a magical hamster, who happened to be tall enough to reach the light. He was also the manager of the deli.

"What is this?!" he yelled. "You're here to steal my provolone cheese, aren't you?! You don't know how many people have come in here trying to steal my cheese..." "I'm sorry, but I need the cheese. I can't live without the cheese," said Angelica. Then she had a thought; why did she so badly want this cheese? What made her want it to the point of stealing it from a magical-hamster-owned deli? So she tried to think back to her early childhood. She was always a happy little girl. Why, why would she want to steal it? She decided to go home and ask her parents if they knew. She had to solve this mystery, the Veronica mars way..

The hamster however, had a different idea.. He wanted to press charges against the girl who tried to steal cheese, and against the naked guy in his kitchen.. So he called the police.....



Phew it was a F****** hot day today!!!! I'm sweating like a pig ;) and now I have to go to work, and go to a birthday afterwards.. and my hay fever is killing me :evil: Sorry for my absence the last few days but it was really too hot to think or do anything...

Cheese pt. 2

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl, Named Angelica. She grew up in a world of riches and always got what she wanted. She had ponies and beautiful dresses, and everything else. In spite of all this she was still very unhappy. And what she longed for the most was cheese. But not just any cheese; a very expensive provolone. How would Angelica obtain this fine cheese? Maybe I could rob a bank, Angelica thought to herself. (she really wanted that cheese) But planning a bank robbery took just to much time. Time Angelica didn't have. She needed that cheese fast. She was getting extremely hungry. How to get it... Wait... She didn't have to rob a bank! She could steal the cheese from the deli around the corner! Yes, that was much less complicated. So she walked into her closet. She grabbed a couple of black manolo blahniks, a pair of black pants and a black turtleneck sweater from Ralph Lauren. Then she went into her sock drawer and took a pair of Gucci pantyhose. She cut off one leg part and put it over her head. "Now no-one will reconignize me!" she thought to herself. So she had to devise a very cunning plan, to obtain the cheese..

Well Angelica  couldnt wait any longer and had to have that cheese, and she had to have it now, so off she went. By time she got there  it  was closed,so she went around the back and there was a window left open,lucky for me she thought. So she carefully climbed in, it lead to the store room, perfect she thought. After checking out all the shelves there was no CHEESE, dam she thought it must be in the she crept into the kitchen and was stunned to find (see Picture)

Lenny she screamed...Lenny!!!..(he was the love of her life..)

She ripped off the tights from her head and ran to armed..and said..Where is the dam Provolone......He replied that he didn't know.. she screamed! How could he be so unfair! But as soon as her screams died out, someone turned on the lights.....




now for some personal notes, I just watched Casino Royale.. I was, as many people were, a little sceptical about this Daniel Craig fellow.. A blonde James Bond? no way! also he didn't look suave enough to be a real James Bond..

But after watching Casino Royale I was stunned.. He was a really good James Bond, and veeeery charming to boot (not to mention, he has a smokin body:))!! So, people, I'm now in love with the new James Bond!! ;)


Okay so I'll continue (sorry shazza!!! I didn't use your sentence but I thought the cheese one was soo funny!!!):


Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl, Named Angelica. She grew up in a world of riches and always got what she wanted. She had ponies and beautiful dresses, and everything else. In spite of all this she was still very unhappy. And what she longed for the most was cheese. But not just any cheese; a very expensive provolone. How would Angelica obtain this fine cheese? Maybe I could rob a bank, Angelica thought to herself. (she really wanted that cheese) But planning a bank robbery took just to much time. Time Angelica didn't have. She needed that cheese fast. She was getting extremely hungry. How to get it... Wait... She didn't have to rob a bank! She could steal the cheese from the deli around the corner! Yes, that was much less complicated. So she walked into her closet. She grabbed a couple of black manolo blahniks, a pair of black pants and a black turtleneck sweater from Ralph Lauren. Then she went into her sock drawer and took a pair of Gucci pantyhose. She cut off one leg part and put it over her head. "Now no-one will reconignize me!" she thought to herself. So she had to devise a very cunning plan, to obtain the cheese..


Once upon a time...

I just spoke to my brother on msn :D He comes back next friday, can't wait!


Just watched Fantastic Four, not really my favorite movie, and that's an understatement.. I liked the X men movies so I thought, this might be good as well, but there was hardly any plot, and I missed the "super" part in the superhero thing.. they didn't save the world or anything, just themselves... oh well.. 


Now I had a thought.. since I do want to get a 50 journal posts emblem, I thought I might write a story... but to do this, I want your help! I will write a few sentences, and you can each give me a new sentence in your comments.. In my next post, I will continue from there.. :) (get it?)

allright so here we go:

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl, Named Angelica. She grew up in a world of riches and always got what she wanted. She had ponies and beautiful dresses, and everything else. In spite of all this she was still very unhappy.


so now it's up to you.. what will happen next:P 

Thighmaster and other random stuff

woohooo I'm at level 4!! (okay not really an amazing level, but I'm still happy about it :D)


I miss my little brother :( He's in Hungary right now, on a two week trip with his school.. and I miss him! Just little things like, when I see something that only we think is funny, I want to tell him about it.. Or when my mom says something stupid and I want someone to complain to :P

Ah yes and I still have studying to do, but I'm way too lazy!!!! I have a test next tuesday and I still have to do a lot of work, but every time I want to start doing it, I think of something more fun to do.. and that's really wrong.. :/ 

Well, guess I better get started though.. or maybe I'll watch some sex and the city.. 8) 

Stupid Quiz :)

A lot of people were posting some quizzes and I can't stay behind for too long :P so here we go! (by the way, I don't expect anyone to read it, but it's fun to do :)) I translated this quiz from dutch so bear with me (if my spelling sucks please tell me, I loooove to learn:P)
Name: Geertje

Nickname: Don't really have one

Home town: Nijmegen

Birth Date: 21st of December1987

Length: 1.70m (5ft 6in)

Colour Eyes: Brown

Shoe Size: 40(eu) 6.5(GB) 8.5(US)

School/job: Psychology student/waitress

Do you smoke: Nope, too expensive ^^

Hobbies: Hanging out with friends, going out, watching lots and lots of tv :D

Brothers/sisters: One half brother who is 27, and a little brother who is 16

Boyfriend/girlfriend: Nope guys I know aren't good enough for me :D

Piercings: Just my ears

Tattoos: none

Is there someone you won't write back?: Not really, I don't recieve letters anyway :)

Favorite person you met this year: All my friends at of course :)

Person you didn't want to meet this year: eeerr no-one really..

Who would you like to meet: The man of my dreams perhaps.. :) And Joss Whedon, to tell him that he's a genius!

Who do you admire: Well, lots of people really.. My friends, most of them anyway :P and people like Quentin Tarantino, Joss Whedon, basically people who are good at writing stuff because I'm not

Most sexy person: hmm Ewan McGregor!

Favorite bedroom attire: pyjamas, or in the summer just my underwear :)

Favorite car: Volkswagen Beetle

Favorite movie: tough one, sin city perhaps, or Kill Bill...

Favorite music: System of a Down, Kaiser Chiefs, Blink 182, NOFX, Tenacious D and lots more..

Favorite city: eeeh Nijmegen and Amsterdam

Favorite perfume: Amor Amor by Cacharel

Favorite sound: the Veronica Mars theme song!

Favorite tv-shows: Gilmore Girls, Buffy and Veronica Mars

Favorite writer: dunno, my favorite book is nineteen eighty-four

What does your mouse pad say: Fellowes

What's under your bed: dust and some old paintings I made

Favorite colour: pink of course, I'm a girl :)

Favorite song of all time: Don't know.. can't pick

Favorite song right now: eeeer mr. Jack by System of a Down

Favorite food: Doner Kebab :P

Favorite subject in school: Well, I don't go to school anymore, but my favorite subject used to be philosophy I think

Favorite drink: A nice cold beer :)

Favorite number: don't really have one..

What do you like most about your body: my lips and my hands

What is your bedtime: 1 o'clock at night most of the time

Which word or scentence do you use often: hip!

The most romantic thing that ever happened to you: Lying in a park talking and looking at the stars

The most embarrassing moment of your life: eeeh perhaps being drunk in front of my collegues

Are you an inside or outside person: Depends on the weather of course, but if it's not too bad I prefer outside

What do you do on the weekends: I work, go out, and sleep

What's your least favorite subject in school: gym

Your breakfast: bread...

What don't you like to eat at all: raw tomatoes.. blegh

Pets: three cats, Bella, Olliebollie, and Muts

Laughing or dreaming: I like both..

Serious or funny: depends on my mood

Fast or slow: well, sometimes faster is better and sometimes slower is better(wow I really can't make up my mind in anything:P)

Relationship or single: relationship

Simple or complicated: eeeerr well I am lazy so I'm gonna say simple

being buried or cremated: cremated

staying up late or going to bed early: staying up late, I'm a night person

Light or dark: light

Speaking or not speaking: speaking

Tall or short men/women: tall men :)

A hug or a kiss: both please

Happy or sad: happy

Life or death: I choose life!

house party or club: club, house parties tend to be boring where I live

Left or right: right

Brown or blonde: don't really care

Do aliens exist: Maybe somewhere, in a galaxy far far away...

Does "the one" exist: doubt it.. though some people are better suited for each other than others..

How many children do you want: If I do decide to have children I want two, one of each preferably

Is there something you can't stand: when people think I'm dumb or naive just because I look sweet and I'm a girl

the best feeling in the world: falling asleep in the arms of your lover

worst feeling in the world: being dumped or someone you love dying..

what are you afraid of: suffering, and the dark

do you get emotional: well of course, I'm a human being after all

do you cry during movies: yes, I'm a chick ^^

What do you want to be when you grow up: the pope:P

name one of your new year's resolutions: eeer getting a job (and hey I did)

what was your first thought this morning: KUTWEKKER (translation: damn alarm clock)

What kind of animal would you want to be: a cat, cats rule!

what's the most beautiful bodypart of a man or woman: smile and eyes (I could be obscene here of course, but I wouldn't want to give you people the wrong impression ;))

so there we are.. :)


CHECK IT OUT!! my very very lovely Veronica Mars banner :D


With many thanks to dj_mrt, who made it happen :D!! 

beautiful day

too bad I had to spend it working my butt off...

and my hay fever was bugging me...


my my, seems like all I do is complain, doesn't it... :?

all right, some happy news.. only 20 minutes until my next veronica mars download is finished.. :D:D I'm such an addict 8)

amsterdam, work and this effing heat!

Last wednesday I went to see my big brother in amsterdam.. He has just asked his girlfriend to marry him which was a big shock to most of my family since he used to be a major ladies man.. It was a fun day and I bought a new pandora bead (don't know if anyone knows what that is, but oh well..)

I had to work again today.. maaaan it was tiring... and the toe that was broken years ago is starting to hurt again :evil:

And it was F***** hot and sweaty today!!! And that's really nice if you're sitting by a swimming pool with a nice cold glass of oaky chardonnay (right sharon;)) But if you have to work it really sucks :( tomorrow it will be even hotter, so I'll probably be sitting in my back yard in my undies..


Have a nice weekend everybody!!