A lot of people were posting some quizzes and I can't stay behind for too long :P so here we go! (by the way, I don't expect anyone to read it, but it's fun to do :)) I translated this quiz from dutch so bear with me (if my spelling sucks please tell me, I loooove to learn:P)
Name: Geertje
Nickname: Don't really have one
Home town: Nijmegen
Birth Date: 21st of December1987
Length: 1.70m (5ft 6in)
Colour Eyes: Brown
Shoe Size: 40(eu) 6.5(GB) 8.5(US)
School/job: Psychology student/waitress
Do you smoke: Nope, too expensive ^^
Hobbies: Hanging out with friends, going out, watching lots and lots of tv :D
Brothers/sisters: One half brother who is 27, and a little brother who is 16
Boyfriend/girlfriend: Nope guys I know aren't good enough for me :D
Piercings: Just my ears
Tattoos: none
Is there someone you won't write back?: Not really, I don't recieve letters anyway :)
Favorite person you met this year: All my friends at tv.com of course :)
Person you didn't want to meet this year: eeerr no-one really..
Who would you like to meet: The man of my dreams perhaps.. :) And Joss Whedon, to tell him that he's a genius!
Who do you admire: Well, lots of people really.. My friends, most of them anyway :P and people like Quentin Tarantino, Joss Whedon, basically people who are good at writing stuff because I'm not
Most sexy person: hmm Ewan McGregor!
Favorite bedroom attire: pyjamas, or in the summer just my underwear :)
Favorite car: Volkswagen Beetle
Favorite movie: tough one, sin city perhaps, or Kill Bill...
Favorite music: System of a Down, Kaiser Chiefs, Blink 182, NOFX, Tenacious D and lots more..
Favorite city: eeeh Nijmegen and Amsterdam
Favorite perfume: Amor Amor by Cacharel
Favorite sound: the Veronica Mars theme song!
Favorite tv-shows: Gilmore Girls, Buffy and Veronica Mars
Favorite writer: dunno, my favorite book is nineteen eighty-four
What does your mouse pad say: Fellowes
What's under your bed: dust and some old paintings I made
Favorite colour: pink of course, I'm a girl :)
Favorite song of all time: Don't know.. can't pick
Favorite song right now: eeeer mr. Jack by System of a Down
Favorite food: Doner Kebab :P
Favorite subject in school: Well, I don't go to school anymore, but my favorite subject used to be philosophy I think
Favorite drink: A nice cold beer :)
Favorite number: don't really have one..
What do you like most about your body: my lips and my hands
What is your bedtime: 1 o'clock at night most of the time
Which word or scentence do you use often: hip!
The most romantic thing that ever happened to you: Lying in a park talking and looking at the stars
The most embarrassing moment of your life: eeeh perhaps being drunk in front of my collegues
Are you an inside or outside person: Depends on the weather of course, but if it's not too bad I prefer outside
What do you do on the weekends: I work, go out, and sleep
What's your least favorite subject in school: gym
Your breakfast: bread...
What don't you like to eat at all: raw tomatoes.. blegh
Pets: three cats, Bella, Olliebollie, and Muts
Laughing or dreaming: I like both..
Serious or funny: depends on my mood
Fast or slow: well, sometimes faster is better and sometimes slower is better(wow I really can't make up my mind in anything:P)
Relationship or single: relationship
Simple or complicated: eeeerr well I am lazy so I'm gonna say simple
being buried or cremated: cremated
staying up late or going to bed early: staying up late, I'm a night person
Light or dark: light
Speaking or not speaking: speaking
Tall or short men/women: tall men :)
A hug or a kiss: both please
Happy or sad: happy
Life or death: I choose life!
house party or club: club, house parties tend to be boring where I live
Left or right: right
Brown or blonde: don't really care
Do aliens exist: Maybe somewhere, in a galaxy far far away...
Does "the one" exist: doubt it.. though some people are better suited for each other than others..
How many children do you want: If I do decide to have children I want two, one of each preferably
Is there something you can't stand: when people think I'm dumb or naive just because I look sweet and I'm a girl
the best feeling in the world: falling asleep in the arms of your lover
worst feeling in the world: being dumped or someone you love dying..
what are you afraid of: suffering, and the dark
do you get emotional: well of course, I'm a human being after all
do you cry during movies: yes, I'm a chick ^^
What do you want to be when you grow up: the pope:P
name one of your new year's resolutions: eeer getting a job (and hey I did)
what was your first thought this morning: KUTWEKKER (translation: damn alarm clock)
What kind of animal would you want to be: a cat, cats rule!
what's the most beautiful bodypart of a man or woman: smile and eyes (I could be obscene here of course, but I wouldn't want to give you people the wrong impression ;))
so there we are.. :)
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