During vacations I'm living with my parents in my own room (shared with my brother). During school I've got my own room in a student house close to school. =)
Oh and btw my advice was correct, nothing I said wasn't true. You'd be surprised how fast you lose weight applying my advice. The only problem is that it is far from healthy. =P But who needs health anyway. ^_^
huh? what? =D I never had a bee's nest in my house, but I've been close to a bee's nest. My grandparents had a garden house with an old couch in it and those bee's were occupying half the couch, integrating there nest with the couch. You could hear them Zoom!! when you approached the garden house, I went in the garden house and by my surprise those bee's kept themselves near the nest and the couch. They didn't go after me or anything. ^_^
Why is everyone saying to move more? Moving more isn't going to help that much. Reason: 1. You'll get tired fast (if you're really fat) 2. the urge to eat and drink something will be a whole lot higher 3. it is slow to reduce weight 4. It can be painfull if you over do it. If you really wanna lose weight, the easiest way is to make your brain work (solve riddles, play some adventure games, ...). You just have to keep yourself busy, a good game or book will prevent you from going to eat something, also try staying awake an entire night. Your body will consume a whole lot more calories at night, although a long rest will reduce the urge to eat. =S When you eat something I suggest you eat vegetables, mainly carrots and salad!! Why salad is great to lose weight is because you lose more energy(calories) to eat it then you gain from it. Also don't skip breakfast!! Skipping breakfast won't make you lose weight, so instead eat some cereals or a carrot or something. Hope this helps you. ^_^
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