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gustavobotto Blog

One week playing ARMY OF TWO!

After one week playing army of two i can tell for sure that I totally disagree with the review and the rate gave to this game by the gamespot.

It is a great game, very funny, very realistic, with a solid frame rate and a cool gameplay.

It worse every single penny paid on it!

Its a perfect game to play with a friend, one of the best coop games ever made.

Its a game that oyu can play and replay many times and it will always be fun because every time that you play will be unique experince caused by the very inteligent behavior of the game AI. So it will be always a challange for you.

So guys forget about gamespot review and try it because you will really love it!

Army of two - Best game to have some beers!

I spend all my weekend playing army of two with some friends and having some beers!

Its a great game to play with friends even in split screen mode!

If you wann try it, dont forget to call some friends and grab some beers, cause it make a perfect match!


I just got LOST: VIA DOMUS


As a huge fan of Lost tv series, i could not stay without play Lost the game!!

I just got it today and as soon as i finish it ill write a review for you guys, fans like me!

ps.: Army of two weekend still up!

My lost odyssey delayed :(

Today i got a e-mail from the site where i bought lost odyssey telling me that they only can send my game to me on march 13. OMG!!!

But anyway this week is the week of Army of two so i can wait until march 13, cause army of two will rule!

I will call some friends, grab some beers and make a army of two event in my place!

That will be fun!

In the meanwhile when still waiting Lost Odyssey arrives - THOROG DOWN

As i told you guys before im still waiting for my game lost odyssey arrive by the mail and its being a long jorney, but not a boring one, because in thes meanwhile i concentrated alll my efforts to play Lord of the Rings on line and wiht my Guild kill the most dificult monster in game, THOROG.


Yesterday we made history we kill HIM and became the fourth guild to do this in our server and the first brazilians to do this in all game!!



longa espera

Ainda a esperar lost odyssey (longa jornada de espera)!! O jeito é continuar a me esbaldar no Lotro!

Still waiting lost odyssey (long wait jorney)!! My only choice is still play Lotro with all my dedication!

Lost odyssey

Hj encomendei meu lost odyssey pro meu xbos 360, preparando minhas 40 horas pra detonar, ja avisei a esposa e ao trabalho que morri até o fim do game! rsrsrsrsrs

Today i ordered my lost odyssey for my xbox 360, im prepering 40 hour to finish it, so i advise my wife and my job mades thata im dead till i finish the game! lol

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