i think it could be possible that both games might come out on the ps3, since there is a new bluetooth keyboard that includes the mouse made by logitech called "Mediaboard"....and dam they should the graphics and the cell processor rock!!!!
oh well ...sony computer entertainment europe isn't for sure entertaining us in europe.....I guess we just gotta give them some time....probably next week we will be having calling all cars and mortal kombat 2 available for us....and on the next one maybe rampage....let's hope,,,, Sony please do something about the european psn.....it's awful!!!!!
it wouldn't make sense that activision and the other creators of the game would of had created extrA data just for the xbox they have to advertise for the game on both the consoles otherwise it would be pretty dam stupid just have add on available just one console...
what x-box advertisements what r u talking about i hate the xbox....i have never bought an microsoft console always sticked to nintendo sega and sony of course....if the update goes for x-box it has to go for the ps3 soon as well the creators of the game aren't idiot they have to acheive more from both consoles....
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