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guyguyguy1234 Blog

Snow is slowly piling up here. (And a catch-up blog)

Okay, so I'm mid-south. So we get snow maybe once a year. well they expected a huge snowstorm yesterday. It was SUPPOSED to give us 3-6 inches... It only gave us 1/4 and inch. Flurries fell all night and the next day, so it was a 1/2 inch. Now snow is cming down hard and we now have an inch. Its supposed to flurry for two more days and do this al night. By sunday we should have 2 inches on the ground. e got Thursday off we got today (Friday) off and maybe we'll get monday off!

Ive enjoyed my break by watching a lot of movies (I watched "Up" "Tarzan" "Monsters Inc." "Forrest Gump" Alfred Hitchcock's "Vertigo" and a really cool documentary about setting the 'Donkey Kong' world record score called "King of Kong and a Fistfull of Quarters") And ive waste dmany hours playing Tekken 6 and Lost Planet. I havent played Tekken in a week so I had to warm up, I had not played Lost Planet since summer and Iw asnt too great in the first place so now I'm horrible...

I've vowed never to trade in any more games. I miss too many of them. I miss "Super Mario Galaxy" "Street Fighter IV" "Soul Calibur 4" "Zelda: Phantom Hourglass" "Ninja Gaiden DS" "Animal Crossing Wild World" and "Pikmin"... I miss pikmin so much cuz I traded it in a few years ago. Since it's cheap, instead of buying Monster's Inc. on Blu Ray, I'm gonna buy Pikmin 1 & 2. I never played 2... So I vowed to never trade in anymore games.

I got Wii Sports Resort for christmas unexpectedly. I had no idea how good it was going to be! It's amazing! Now i'm playing my Wii again. I thought I'd never touch that thing again. A new Trauma Center is coming out too! (Trauma Center:Second Opinion is my favorite game of all time) I'm so excited!

Also I'm almost at my 50th blog! Hoorah! Anyway, thanks for taking time to read about my boring life!

Hoorah its 2010!

Hoorah its 2010! A New Decade! It seems like just three days ago it was last decade... I cant wait to see what this decade brings. Dang, by the end of this decade, I'll be 25... Thats wild. Anyway, here are a few games I'm looking forward too in 2010. I don't think I'll be getting them all. but they are all on my list of games to consider buying!

Final Fantasy XIII (Thats a for sure buy)

Lost Planet 2 (Thats a for sure buy)

Red Dead Redemtpion

Here are some games I cannot get or do not want, but I still can't wait to see how they turn out

Bioshock 2

Battlefield Bad Company 2


Splinter Cell

Supreme Commander 2

Dark Void

Megaman 10

Heavy Rain

Gran Turismo 5

Mass Effect 2

Also, Lost Planet 2 and FFXIII are coming out near the same time. And I can only get one, and have to wait a few months for the other. I'm leaning toward FFXIII but every time I think of Lost Planet, I wanna buy it, and then I think of Final Fantasy XIII and want that. Which one should I wait for? Maybe one is more likely to turn out bad...

Haha, so anyway. Happy New Year!

Game Of The Year 2009

So I didnt get a chance to play Assassins Creed 2, I hate MW2. I hated Batman. I dont own a PS3. So my choices are limited. But my game of the year is...


I waited for this game so long. So very very long. With hopes through the roof. This met every single one of my teeny tiny and gigantic expectations. Like I said, this year, my choices were limited, because I did not buy many new releases. I bought older games (Lost Planet was the best game I bought this year) But this was still a spectacular game.

Honorable Mentions

Tekken 6
Street Fighter IV

The Best Movie Of 2009...

Lets start with movies. This was a huge year for movies, and it is hard to pick one. But I'm picking one anyway and I am picking...



Directed By James Cameron

Yes, I am aware of 'Up In the Air' and 'The Blindside' but I had to pick this. I have never felt the way I did when watching this. It was all so real and all so deep. Incerdible storytelling and incerdible special effects make this movie a win and an instant clasic. This will go down in history with its use of new technology. This new technology makes the aliens move so human-like. You could feel the emotions, you could see them on thier face. The way they walked, and showed emotions was all so real. The story was beyond anything I have ever seen. Just talking about it makes me want to go to see it again.

Also, I would like to mention



Directed by Pete Doctor

I laughed, I cried, I was amazed. This beautiful movie has the perfect balance of seriousness, hilarity, and sadness. The animation was brilliant, and I adored the cast (Especially Bob Peterson with his hilarious voice for Dug) All in all, this is the second best movie of 2009.

Thanks For Reading!

Be On The Look Out For My "Game Of The Year"

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Well. It's early.

Im excited!

I open presents soon, have christmas dinner later

then tomorrow I see ALL MY FAMILY!!!

Ahh I love Christmas!

Its really fun!

Anyway, lets be sure to remember

the true meaning of christmas.

Jesus was born today, amongst all the fun, we must remember that.

Well, have a very merry christmas!

2 Consoles They Need to Make but cannot ot wont. (Pictures)

3 Consoles They Need to Make but cannot ot wont.

Yes, another list! Woo hoo!

Ok 3 Consoles They Need to Make but cannot ot wont.

1. The Xbox Portable

It just wont happen....

2. Gamecube Portable

This is simply too good to be true

Cool stuff. Too bad none of this will ever come true, thanks for reading! Please comment, and maybe try and get the word out, ive been writing blogs but not many people read em or look at em... So thanks for reading!

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