@Fenixx @experience_fade I'm confused about this? What en-tales a sale? I mean technically, if you want to get down to it, no one has bought directly from Microsoft. I mean I bought mine from my local electronics store, their company is the one that actually placed an order to Microsoft. I just don't see the point you are pressing, a sale is a sale right, no matter the person that is using the device. If it is about people that want to actually used the product then sell would be the wrong term but that's is not what this article it referencing. All that being said I do have a spar Xbox I got for free through signing up for internet. So, I guess I'm just wondering what could this statement from Microsoft have said that would make you satisfied? Anyway, not trying to troll, just your thread caught my interest.
@Lhomity @gwd3987 No, just don't make be feel like I purchased an incomplete game. Witch no matter how great your game is, if I buy it on the day of release and then get prompted to buy a DLC the first time I play a game... I get a just a bit irritated, but if you are fine with that, no hard feelings.
CDProjekt for the win... I will buy anything from this company the moment they make it available!
Bethesda, I understand your logic, but look to a higher goal. We will pay for content, but not before we complete what we paid for.... guess that is the three month window you speak of.
This has got to be the next Feebackula, can not wait to see it. Oh, I play game only on a PC so whatever Microsoft or Sony choos to do with their consoles is unimportant to me. However, always on internet is a very terrible idea and there is no way that they will be able to keep it like that. There are thousands of scenarios that this would be a hindrance to legitimate customers.
Perfect World Entertainment is the worst at having to pay to win at endgame. I'm sure that this game will be just as bad ass all the other Perfect World games. Cash shop should be used only for items that can speed up leveling, vanity items, or maybe a perma pet. Not scrolls that let you play new contact, epic gear, rentals for bag space, items needed to upgrade equipment. Go play DDO, Tera, Path of Exile, any other game that truly is FTP. One that you end up paying money because you love the game not one that forces you to pay to be competitive end game. Of course this is all speculation on my part but I've played all the PWE games and they have all done this. Oh, and if anyone bitches about me being cheap or any other stupid comment that will come out of your face. I have no problem paying every month for a game, but I do when I'm told its free and after a month of work I find out it is way more expensive then a monthly fee every would be.
P.S. sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, I would go back and fix them but I really don't give a shit.
Is it always just Asians that do this stupid crap. I get irritated if a movie goes over 2 hrs. These dumb fucks can game for 50 hrs straight. Glade that gene pool has dried up.
gwd3987's comments