@MetaMods @nodq24 With them redesigning the 360 right before launch, and backing a bunch of new games on it, it is safe to say it has at least one more season >.<
@furrynic I'm sorry, but your ideas make me laugh a bit.
"any console that didn't succeed in Japan didn't last for long and ended up been a failure." That is false, not to mention the majority of the consumer base of the consoles is the western world.
"even after getting run over in sales by a gigantic margin by Nintendo and Sony." I'm sorry when did that happen? To this day the console sales totals have always been close. The Wii holds the lead on them both by about 20 million units as a result of the low price point and novelty.
The rest of what you said about PS4 selling more off the bat is actually backed by logic or evidence. I don't even own a console, but man gets the facts straight.
@Revl8n 2 regulars rrod, then bought a black 120GB one. Gave that to my bro when they released the first revamped model. Both the blacks are going strong.
gww101's comments