As for game ideas i would suggest the popular beer pong, or kings cup maybe even a game called ring of fire! lol8)
h0ckeysk83r's forum posts
Yes the online play is good on lost planet i would think crackdown gets old after a while! Lost planet single player is just crazy there a lot of crazy enemies and is pretty hard sometime but fun!
yea well my console is laying flat, oh well i guess this problem isnt too bad. It could be worse thanks for the posts!
Hey i was wondering if anybody else had this problem everytime i open my disc ray sometime it wont even open it will be stuck, but when it does open i putmy game in and the green lights just blink and it shoots it back out. It does play my games but i sometime have to sit there for like 5-10 minutes sliding the disc just perfectly in the tray as it just opens back up. Anybody else have this problem?
Definently horizontal! If you just think of a disc trying to spin vertically then you have got some problems, the disc spins so much better horizontally. Disc should not be spinned vertically thats what scratches the discs. Ive had mine horizontally since ive gotten it and no problems!
Definently horizontal! If you just think of a disc trying to spin vertically then you have got some problems, the disc spins so much better horizontally. Disc should not be spinned vertically thats what scratches the discs. Ive had mine horizontally sinc eive gotten it and no problems!
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